Poetry Competition: These are the winners

Congratulations to our three winners. You will receive books from the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Romance Edition.

1st place: everyday life of Alexandra

In the fridge, a tuft of wilted birch trees Spring bunches beat pale roots Grow faster at night than in the morning And bring flowers with you at the end of the day.

A gray edge Bread on the edge of a plate Carried in butter framed the impression of your teeth Look how white my hair grows from red roots Coffee stains wet through the Sunday newspaper.

2nd place: Venus and sickle moon of MAKi

If she suddenly jumped, unexpected, wild, would he catch her in his perfect shell?

She does not do it.

Both close but still insurmountable, both shine alone in the evening sky.

3rd place: twilight of little_wonni

Deep night - darkness has brought it, heavy silence, silent cries - the loneliness. Black and lost as never born, I am mistaken and lose myself in search of the light.

Divine Poetry Competition 2013, Winner (7-11 category) (April 2024).

Artists, poetry