Out of the midday low? with these tips

Just a few minutes ago, did you sit with your colleagues over lunch? but now you realize how tired you get. Plus you still have a decent pile on the desk, which still has to be processed today. Then just try one of the following tips to fight against the midday low.

1. Get out into the fresh air

Before you go back to the desk, you should treat yourself to a dose of fresh air. A walk will make your body stronger and your digestive tract gets going. And your circulation is stimulated by the oxygen supply, so you wake up quickly from your "Kantinenkoma" again.

2. Put on light food

It does not always have to be Schnitzel, Pommes or Currywurst. Instead of filling your stomach with greasy foods, working people should better focus on light food. Because: Oily foods are very tryptophan-containing and have a soporific effect. Salads, vegetable dishes or lean meat are not like a stone in the stomach? and are easily digestible.

3. Breathe deeply and ventilate

Who is under stress, breathing often incomplete? and gets tired. Only when enough oxygen flows into you, you will stop the tiredness. And you get the oxygen supply both by proper breathing and by proper ventilation. It is enormously important to provide air circulation in the office. Ventilate regularly. The optimum room temperature is between 21 and 22 degrees.

4. Drink, drink, drink

And no coffee. Sadly, the popular pick-me-up does not sell fatigue for a short time. As soon as the stimulating effect of the caffeine has disappeared, you still feel broken. So: better to grab water or unsweetened teas. Water awakens the mind and also calms the cravings in between.

5. A small workout after the digestive break

Have not all the tips helped? Then get going with a short, five-minute workout. A few stretching exercises not only remove the fatigue, they are also a great way to sit at your desk for a long time. And also your tension, which are unfortunately widespread in office circles, so you can announce the fight.

6. Power Napping against the midday low

Worldwide is the principle of power napping known? whether as a siesta in Spain or Inemuri in Japan. For some people, a short nap is the ideal wake-up agent for the rest of the day. 20 to 30 minutes should take this nap, not longer in any case. Otherwise you can expect the opposite case and you will not wake up properly. And: Do not sleep with your stomach full. Even then it is hard to wake up again.

6 Tips to Avoid the Afternoon Crash (April 2024).

lunch depth