No carnival joke: This man demands a right to rape

Wait a minute: The guy wants to legalize rape - seriously?

Unfortunately yes. But hey, of course not all! It's about the blogger and author of furious books ("How to sleep with Danish women in Denmark" / "How to rip women up during the daytime" - a total of 15 titles, all self-published) just about those rape that happens on private property. Daryush Valizadeh a.k.a. "Roosh V" that too stupid. He also does not demand a relaxation of the rape sentences for all men: Wild North African hordes should of course continue to be punished with all severity.

It's clear. But nobody will listen to that, right?

That's the real problem: The convinced rape proponent finds his voice heard worldwide - on Twitter, Facebook and on his Youtube channel, thousands of his misogynist posts and videos. Only recently, he had called on like-minded people to meet on February 6, 2016 in 165 locations in 43 countries (including cities in Germany) and to join forces against the "criminalization of normal male behavior".

Can not you ban him?

As long as it is not a direct call for the rape of women, at least with us the right to freedom of expression - there are the police hands tied. Because of the loud protest of "crazy feminists" and other opponents, "Roosh V" has since canceled the meeting. The privacy and security of his pick-up supporters are at risk, he wrote on his blog "Return of the Kings", which is aimed at "heterosexual, masculine men" and wants to prevent women from gaining control of men.

Because of "crazy feminists" like this, he backed down:

THE TORONTO NEWSGIRLS RULE #TorontoNewsGirls Here's Why: //

? Danko Jones (@dankojones) February 4, 2016

Just to understand: how does he justify his Gaga claim?

Since he has a brilliant theory to offer, which he explains in a Youtube video. His demand to legalize rape in private does not mean that he endorses sexual violence against women. Rather, a corresponding change in the law would lead to fewer women being raped.

Eeeehm, I can not quite follow ...

Is everything completely logical: women would then better think about whether they go home with men / in the hotel / elsewhere, with whom they did not want sex. In addition, such a law prevents women from completing drug or alcohol so much that they can not fight back.

And anyway: In the Western world prevail a veritable "rape hysteria" that does not serve the protection of women, but the persecution of men. "Men are treated like criminals, women like children," says Roosh V - and wonders why "a behavior that has been consensual for millennia" is suddenly a problem. For in his world, women want men who simply take what they want - and do not accept a "no." Sex without the consent of the woman means for Roosh V simply that the man has a particularly large ego - and that should be promoted, after all, it is threatened with extinction.

There is not much more to say about this than:

Alex Jones: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (May 2024).

Rape, youtube, denmark, twitter, facebook, germany, roosh v, legalize rape, make rape legal