Nine of the bars? your tarot card

"Nine of the staffs": What does this card mean?

Short and sweet
Vigilance, caution, mistrust, self-protection, being hurt

Stop licking old wounds longer. Open yourself again for life!

"Nine of the staffs": What does the tarot card show?

On the tarot card, a grumpy, suspicious man clings to his walking stick. Behind him are eight more bars next to each other, which reminds a little of a prison grid. A bandage on the man's head indicates that he has reasons for his cramped posture: He has already been wounded and now fears new attacks.

Similar to his colleague on the card "Seven of Wands" he feels threatened, even if not a single opponent on the map can be seen. But he does not battlerly fight windmills, but shrugs his shoulders anxiously. He has already had bad experiences, as the head bandage shows. So he has much more reason to panic than Mr. Sieben.

As is the case in the symbolic world of tarot cards, the physical injury of the man is, of course, a symbol of the psychological wounds, the wounds on the soul that we all suffer in the course of life. His fear of further pain is easy to understand. But are the consequences of this man really appropriate? Apparently he wants to entrench himself behind his fence for all eternity. No one is allowed to come near him, no one ever wants to let him in again.

Too bad, because the man could use the rod of his determination better; for example as a walking stick in a happier future. Although he knows from experience that he must be vigilant, but can not immediately assume that everyone wants him always only evil. Maybe he'll succeed soon? Green leaves of hope sprout on all the bars and behind the "bars" of the self-chosen prison opens the view of a friendly green landscape under a cloud-free blue sky.

As a day ticket: If the Tarot picture "Nine of the bars" stands for you

Somebody hurt you a lot lately and you have good reasons to be especially vigilant, to set limits and keep you covered. If you feel that the fresh wound still needs time to heal, then give her the time she needs, withdraw and protect yourself as best you can. But today, for safety's sake, look again under the bandage: Maybe everything is already healed and you can open yourself again for life?

As the Love-Red: If the Tarot Nine of Wands stands for your partner or relationship

Doubts and jealousy are in the air. Old wounds, which have existed in your or in previous relationships, could now tear up very painfully for the smallest occasion. So you should treat each other very carefully and put every word on the gold scale. In life, every human being is eventually made into a burnt child. But those who are eternally focused only on the pain of the old wounds, forever bring themselves to the warmth of human closeness and the glow of sensual passion.

"Nine of the bars": assignments of the map

In Tarot: Small Arcana, Number Cards

Other names of the card: IX of Wands (Rider-Waite-Tarot)? Strength / Strength (Aleister Crowley Tarot)

Element / Astrology: Fire ? Sun in Sagittarius

The Enneagram & Tarot - with Nine Archetypes Spread (April 2024).

Staff, Tarot Card, Tarot Picture, Lies, Day Ticket