Never again brown mud: With this simple trick each avocado stays fresh

An avocado is fresh from the shell at the most appetizing, there is nothing to shake it. Sure, it does not taste bad when it turns brown a few hours later by air contact, but it's not that pretty.

Luckily, there are plenty of tricks to keep your avocado fresh. The YouTube channel has tested the most popular and comes to a surprising result:

Won a method that most of you may not yet know: onions under the avocado half.

How it works? Quite simply: You cut an onion in rough pieces, put it in a lockable plastic box and then put the cut avocado on it with the open side up. Cover on it - ready!

In the test, this method was the most successful, because not only the flesh of the avocado in color and texture remained fresh, but because no other flavors mixed in the taste. Perfect!

Browse through the best avocado recipes from the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde kitchen.

You'll Never Throw Away Avocado Seed After Watching This (April 2024).

Avocado, Avocado, Trick Lifehack, Cooking, Recipes