My wonderful life as a Schrebergarten Schnorrerin

Gardens are made - with curved backs

Allotments are a great miracle for me: the calm, the scent, the air. The colorful flowers in the flower beds, buzzing with bees. Hammock under the apple tree, coffee in the sun. The grill is served in the evening for the barbecue chirping. It smells of roasted meat and thanks to the cooler bag the white wine is still nice and cold. Cheers, dear ones!

Gardens are places of ideal nature, made for people like me. People who prefer lying on the couch rather than on the lawn, and who would never say no to a piece of strawberry cake.

But that's the catch - gardens are made. Of busy women and men kneeling on the ground, arching their backs; dragging nasty sloshing watering cans, losing the war on the weeds, and sharing their laboriously lumbered harvest with snails. I admire people who work with dedication to their garden. That makes them happy, they say. I would finish it.

"He who has friends with garden lives in paradise"

That's why I'm an allotment gardener. Since allotments are popular with big-city families, some of my friends have one too. Especially the one-child-family is happy about garden visit with child, so that the little ones deal with each other? and the adults can pluck and undisturbed undisturbed.

So I can enjoy the Elysian summer days. My child plays and I spend the afternoon on the garden lounger. Sure, I'll fill the watering can and pour the strawberries. Sure, that I help with, if a heavy planter is implemented. Also clear that I am responsible for white wine and cake, I do not want to eat me. I just want to be in this green room without having to dig in the ground.

Incidentally, I am the experiential Schnorrerin

Did I say my child is playing? The correct thing is: my child is learning. Because on my couch, I am also an experiential Schnorrerin. In the gardens of my friends, my son learns how to chop wood, how to carve poles, how to mow the lawn, and of late, even a bit of fishing in the fishing pond next door - all things that I can barely teach him.

Anyone who has a garden lives in paradise, they say. I think: who has friends with garden, lives in paradise. I do not have to swing a rake and I do not have to spend every weekend in the same place: I do it like the bees, fly here, sometimes there.

Dear friends, I would like to say thank you to the start of the new garden season! And in winter, if you miss your gardens, I cook a hearty stew and chocolate pudding for you.

An American's ABCs of Germany (April 2024).

Garden, day of the garden