"My wife does not do anything!" ? Why a man is celebrated for this sentence

Brad leads the business development in a company. "I had to go to the monthly meeting today. For that I was traveling about five hours by car and train. After that I had to work through a few things and hold important talks. It's so exhaustingBrad describes his work in a Facebook post.

He has been married to Sarah for seven years and they have three sons together: Knox, Finn and Teddy. "And what is my wife doing?"continues Brad, with his everyday description,"Not very much. All she has to do is wake up our two boys, put them on and feed them. And to breastfeed our youngest son."

What could make (especially treble!) Mothers now with great horror, turns out to be sarcasm? and as a glorification of the work of his wife. He continues:

Massive day at work today. We have our monthly senior leadership meeting. I have to travel for a 5 hour round journey ...

Posted by DaDMuM on Monday, November 12, 2018

"Okay, of course the kids have to be taken to the open air or to the park to let their energy out somewhere. That's easy! All my wife has to do is grab her bags, find her caps, think about snacks and spare clothes for the boys. And then get the three in the car.

Once they arrive at the destination, they must breastfeed the youngest again. Without taking his eyes off him, she has to take care of the other two, treat her, push her on the swings. That's really easy.

They then return home to prepare the food. The food, which the children may refuse to eat. And while she's trying to calm all three down, she's still doing some shopping online. What a life ... pfffft!

What a life ... pffft!

In the afternoon, the boys will insist on riding a bicycle or scooter, walking around. My wife will then just sit around and breastfeed the youngest. At four o'clock in the afternoon, the children are getting tired and grumpy. She argues with them about small, useless things, such as 'Stop hitting your brother!' I know it exactly.

Around five o'clock she wants to know where I am staying and when I get home. The ordered purchases would have to be unpacked and the boys would play crazy. The little one had to be calmed down and she had to prepare dinner slowly. Usually, I answer her with a 'call back' SMS, because I'm fucking busy.

So she prepares dinner for the kids, waits for them to eat, wash them and put on their pajamas? Of course, everything with one hand, because the smallest begins to cry immediately when she drops him.

I call you back

She is exhausted from all the tormenting and did not have a second for herself. She calls me again, asking where I am staying. She was tired, stinking and tired of being touched by little hands. She is irritable, feels disgusting and desires nothing more than a hot shower and a cup of tea.

I walk home around 7:30 pm after my busy day. And then she sits there, talking on the couch next to our baby? or the two other sons who still refuse to go to sleep. When I see that, I bet she has not completely unpacked the purchases, just the things that went into the freezer.

At the weekend, she tells our eldest that he's getting a new bike 'because daddy works so hard for our family every day'.

Daddy works hard for our family

Well, as I said: My workday is tough.

Thank you, Sarah, for everything you do for us. You are the glue that holds our family together."

When you read through Brad's whole post, you understand why so many people celebrate him. He shows how much his wife does in everyday life? far more than he in his job in leadership position ...

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Mom, Facebook, fatherhood