Making wooden spoon puppets - that's how it works

Wooden spoon puppets - that's what you need:

2 Wooden Spoons Scissors Black Edding Masking Tape Rest Gift Ribbon Wool residues Glue Balloon Balloon

Here again the instructions for the wooden spoon doll at a glance:

The pirate:

First, cut a balloon so small that it fits as a scarf on the wooden spoon and stick it. Then stick a Wackelauge and paint the pirate with Edding a face. From a gift ribbon, tie a cloth around your neck as you like. Rothaar:

Wind up the wool remnants between thumb and forefinger, knot in the middle and cut open. Now stick the hair out of the spoon, stick on the eyes and paint a mouth with black edding. Again, the wooden handle can be decorated with some masking tape

Duration: approx. 20 minutes

DIY How to Make Fun and Colorful Wooden Spoon Puppets (April 2024).

Instructions, back, make a doll from a spoon, make a doll from a spoon, make a bobble doll, crafting a spoon