Making a Tambourine: The Lightning Guide

Tambourine tinkering - you need it for:

Round Cheese Box Cord Two Beads Large Lace Needle Textile Tape or Ducktape Acrylic Paint Brush Stick Hot Glue Scissors, measuring tape and water

And here's the tutorial for the mini-tambourine at a glance:

First of all, the stickers must be removed from the cheese box, then the entire box painted with acrylic paint.

In the middle of the box edge, on the right and left side, two holes are then made with a needle at the same height. Here, a cord is knotted, at the end of a bead is attached. The drawstring should be long enough for the beads to reach the middle of the box. The inner cord ends are glued with tape.

Then a hole has to be cut at the bottom of the box so that the stick fits in there. Just fix it to me with some hot glue, glue the cheese box together well and decorate it to make a stop - the drum is ready.

Duration: A total of about 1 hour

How to Make a Transforming Ninja Star! (8-Pointed) (April 2024).

tambourine tinker yourself, tambourine build yourself, tambourine for toddlers, drum build self-instruction