Lenovo Smart Display: A small, handy kitchen helper

On April 15, the Lenovo Smart Display will be released in Germany, combining the possibilities of a touch screen with the usefulness of a voice assistant. It is the first display of its kind on the German market using the Google Assistant. The device was already able to test in detail in detail on spot on news and was able to determine that the Lenovo Smart Display is a really good kitchen helper. Although numerous other applications are conceivable, but in the kitchen, the use makes a lot of sense. Nice: All tasks are usually done quickly, questions are answered quickly.

"Hey Google, what can you do?"

If you throw a question into the room with "Hey Google, ...", the Google Assistant not only answers via the built-in speaker, but also displays useful information via the display. If you ask, for example, about the weather, the voice assistant's voice informs you about the current situation, while the display simultaneously displays all information clearly.

Even searching the internet is possible without any problems. For example, if you want to know when Britney Spears ("Toxic") has a birthday, the display shows a picture of the singer and, like the voice assistant, reveals that the star is now 37 years old. From there, numerous additional information can be searched by voice or with a tipper for suggested additional questions on the display. Or you end up - if so intentionally - also very quickly in the music video for "Oops! ... I Did It Again", because even the playback of YouTube clips is supported without further ado.

All this is particularly useful for recipes, for example, which is why the smart display should find its permanent home, especially in the kitchen of many users. With a short request you not only learn how long you have to cook an egg to make it hard. You can also set a timer to match.

For more complicated recipes not only all the ingredients can be displayed, individual cooking steps can also be processed gradually. For example, if you do not know how to sauté vegetables or mushrooms, you can also explain that. And if nothing else helps, then promptly find an appropriate instructional video on YouTube. With this detailed help everyone should become a good cook.

Two models, a good experience

Overall, pretty much all tasks can be done, which can be handled even with smart speakers from Amazon, Google, Apple and Co. Only here comes the display component. In addition, a camera is installed, which among other video calls (via Google Duo) are possible as a smartphone.

In addition, the display can be used - almost as a matter of course - as a small center for the smart home. Once all services have been linked, it is no longer a problem to control Nest's Philips Hue lamps or cameras - and more than 5,000 other smart home devices according to the manufacturer.

The volume and sound quality of the Lenovo Smart Display are perfectly adequate for home use, but you should not expect a sound miracle from the built-in 10-watt speakers - as with most other smart devices.

The Lenovo Smart Display is available in two sizes: on the one hand with a 10-inch display and bamboo cover on the back (239 euros) and with a slightly smaller 8-inch display and gray back (179 euros). The larger screen, which was allowed to try spot on news, offers a resolution of 1920 x 1080, the smaller one represents 1280 x 800 pixels. In terms of image quality, the screen turned out to be bright and colorful, so it was quite fun, video content and pictures to look at the device.

Meanwhile, the design is not particularly positive or negative. The device is more modern than some competitors, despite its size but not bulky.

Security concerns?

Anyone who, after the swift and mostly self-explanatory device, is worried about the "Google Home" app being constantly watched and listened to by the Lenovo Smart Display, can at least be somewhat reassured. With physical switches on the device itself, the microphone and camera can be switched off or covered with a cover.

All in all, the Lenovo Smart Display proved to be a thoroughly thought-out device. Especially for friends of cooking - or those who want to become - an acquisition could be worthwhile. And to be honest: At least you save yourself the money for new cookbooks.

Lenovo Smart Display Features For Your Kitchen (May 2024).

Lenovo Group, Google Inc., youtube, Germany, camera, Britney Spears, Lenovo smart display, smart, test, kitchen, Lenovo