Knitting cashmere sweaters - classics for life

Instructions for a cashmere sweater in sizes S / M / L

Difficulty: light

Time spent: about 30 hours

Material: 225/250/275 g Gray Fb 0105 "Cashmere Premium" (100% cashmere, length 115 m / 25 g) by Lang Yarns. Knitting needles no. 4 (if you knit loosely) or 5 (if you knit tightly - it is important that you come to the information given in the stitch test).

Note: It is possible that the given wool can not be bought anymore. In this case, you are looking for a similar quality. Please note the specified run length and do a stitch test!

Smooth right (GR): Rowing right, back rows left. The sts are struck with double thread, then knit with a single thread.

Knitting tension: 21 M x 27 R = 10 x 10 cm.

Back: Cast on 106/114/122 sts and work in GR. Mark the armholes 42/40/38 cm on both sides from the stop. Bind off all sts at 18/20/22 cm from marker on armholes.

Front: As the back, but for the neckline 14/16/18 cm from the marking of the armholes bind off the middle 30 sts and cast off 4 times 4 sts in each 2nd row on both sides. 18/20/22 cm from the mark on the armholes, bind off each 22/26/30 shoulder sts.

Sleeve: Cast on 38/46/54 sts each time and work in GR, increasing 10 x 1 sts in each 10th st = 58/66/74 sts for both sides. Bind off 38 cm from sts for arm ball on both sides 1 x 2 sts and cast off Then, in every 2nd row, alternately take 2 and 1 sts until a ball height of 10 cm is reached, then bind off the remaining 14/22/30 sts.

elaboration: Close the shoulder seams. Pick up 134 sts at the neckline for the slip and work 1.5 cm in the GR, then bind off all sts. Fold the document inwards and sew it from the outside in a chain stitch (with double thread). Close side and sleeve seams. Sew in the sleeves.


Knitting Patterns, Knitting, Lang Yarn, Knitting, Pattern, Knitting, Kashmir, Sweater