Khoudia Diop: formerly bullied, today's top model

Senegalese Khoudia Diop is just 19 years old and already an internet star. Within a few months, she has built up a considerable Instagram community (around 300,000 followers) and clears one model job after the other. She did not always have it that easy. For a long time she was bullied for her very dark skin color. But Khoudia does not let that get her down - on the contrary: she has gained power from it and has now grown into a self-confident and super-successful young woman.

Instagram star and popular young fashion model

She was teased for a long time because of her skin color and even today she gets angry comments on her Instagram account. But she is not discouraged and makes her special skin color her feature. That's what she calls Melanin Goddess on Instagram and consciously stages her pigmentation. She told the Daily Mail, "I grew up with this confrontation, so as I grew older I learned to love myself more every day and not waste energy on the negative people, which helped a lot." Even today, she wants to give them courage through their presence on the social channels and give them something of their energy and self-confidence: "Nobody should tell you what to look like: just start to radiate, the rest comes on its own", so she writes on her Facebook page.

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Instagram, skin color, top model, bullying