Karl Lagerfeld: The designer legend was never embarrassed by a spell

Fashion czar Karl Lagerfeld died on Tuesday at the age of 85 years. In addition to his grandiose fashion career, some of his provocative sayings are unforgettable. These related to the society, the fashion or simply on Lagerfeld itself - there were no limits to his snappy wording.

About yourself

"My mother tried to get me excited about playing the piano One day, she closed the piano lid on my fingers and said, 'Draw rather, that makes less noise'."

"I never wanted to have children, because if my child were superior to me, I would not have been right, and if I was inferior, I would not have liked it."

"I'm a kind of fashion nymphomaniac who never has an orgasm, I always think I could make it better."

"You have to do something new if you want to pull the money out of people's pockets."

"You only learn from your mistakes, success has not helped anyone yet."

"Some things go through my mouth before it goes through my head."

"I'm very much down to earth. Just not this earth."

"You have to throw the money out the window so it can come in the door."

"Between me and the rest of the world is a glass wall."

"Shame is a matter of self-esteem."

"I am suffering from an overdose of myself."

"Being on the assembly line, that's work. What I do is leisure time with a professional background."

About his compatriots

"When Germans approach me to tell me that they are Germans, I always say: There are 80 million of them."

About taste

"It's a low level of buying expensive clothes to prove the wealth to others."

"I hate the word cheap, people are cheap, clothing is expensive or cheap."

"Jogging pants are a sign of defeat, you've lost control of your life, and then you're walking in jogging pants."

"A woman without style has no style even in a dress with style."

"A selfie is electronic masturbation."

"There are people who lie down on the beach and wait there for the inspiration to come to them, but the inspiration does not just come to the beach."

About fashion

"Fashion is the imitation of those who want to be different, from those who do not differ."

"The emancipated woman in the stud book: Who shows elbows, can also show knees."

"You can not escape fashion, because even if fashion goes out of fashion, that's already fashion again."

About the age

"Youth is a new form of racism, an obsession, it's the only social injustice that really exists."

"Getting out after a show is a good discipline for me because I have to be careful that I do not look like an old garden gnome among all those 20 year olds."

"Nothing makes you older than trying to look young."

"Future is the time left over."

'Chanel West Coast Goes Off on Charlamagne Tha God' Official Clip | Ridiculousness | MTV (May 2024).

Karl Lagerfeld, fashion, cult figure, Karl Lagerfeld, Angela Merkel, criticism, refugees, MeToo, birthday celebrity