"Jammed and sexually immature"

"America is more Puritan, more jammed and sexually immature than in the late '50s and' 60s, when I grew up," says writer John Irving, 62, in an interview in ChroniquesDuVasteMonde, Issue 22.

The bestselling author knows exactly what he's talking about. Finally, in the American media there was outraged reaction to the film adaptation of Irving's novel "Widow for a Year", which is under the title "The Door in the Floor - The door of temptation" from 21 October to see in German cinemas. The family drama is about the relationship between a 39-year-old woman and a 16-year-old boy.

The author has only devastating words to deal with such issues in the United States: "Today we sound like a bunch of tense, right-wing, Christian philistines I hate how this country has dealt with sex for the last thirty years is ridiculous When it comes to sex, America is the least mature country I've ever spent time in. "

Good thing John Irving is so un-American in that respect. His books would otherwise be poorer by a few beautiful scenes.

10 Signs of Emotional Abuse from Parents (April 2024).

America, John Irving, author, bestseller, widow for a year