Intervertebral disc problems

What happens in the body?

In the moving part of the spinal column, 23 discs connect the individual vertebral bodies. They have a shock-absorbing effect and provide elasticity. The discs consist of a fiber ring and a soft gelatinous core. The often one-sided load on the spine causes signs of wear sooner or later. In the fiber ring, small tears occur, causing the nucleus to shift. This in turn can increase the tears. They usually heal by themselves. A herniated disc occurs when the nucleus moves outward through the cracks. Lumbar disc herniations of the lumbar and neck areas are most common. There, the pressure is strongest and the mobility greatest.

How does that show?

The symptoms vary from person to person, therefore, should a suspected herniated disc always an individual medical consultation take place. The most common symptoms are pain that radiate into the arms or legs and local pain? sometimes combined with muscle weakness and / or emotional disorders. Paralysis may occur in the extremities. Those affected report weakness or urine and stool.

How can I prevent this?

To prevent a herniated disc, should you in everyday life on an upright posture, especially when sitting, pay attention? So chest out, belly in, shoulders back. A healthy lifting technique is also important: kneel down and lift with a straight back. If possible, avoid carrying heavy loads. Some health insurance funds and adult education centers offer courses for back exercises and posture training. If you sit a lot, you should get some exercise. For regular exercises, for example, this neck training is (Link). Swimming is good too (Link: Aqua-Gymnastik)? it strengthens the back without straining the discs. Sports with abrupt turns in the torso (such as tennis) are very demanding on the back. Another risk factor is body weight: the heavier you are, the more pressure is placed on your intervertebral discs. Therefore, pay attention to a healthy diet and sufficient exercise.

What can I do if I already have it?

If you are already affected by a herniated disc, you should especially calm and protect your back in the acute phase: bed rest! Pay attention to a sufficiently hard surface. Local heat from red light irradiation or mud packs can contribute to relaxation. If the acute pain is over, the back muscles should be relaxed and strengthened by physiotherapy. You should mobilize your spine as early as possible. Do you always ask a doctor for advice? in case of recurring symptoms or paralysis, surgery may be necessary.

Back Pain: Lumbar Disc Injury (April 2024).

Pain, herniated disc, old age, prevention, back pain