Improve memory? with these 5 tips it works!

Improve memory

What did I want to do again? Surely some people wonder that, even though the thought was still there. The memory performance decreases with age, the gray cells dwindle. Unfortunately, these are responsible for transferring information into the long-term memory. If that does not happen, we forget what we have learned. But there are some things that we can do ourselves to train our memory.

Improve Memory: That's what makes our memory

Often we mean our long-term memory when we speak of memory. But that is only one part: The Ultra short-term memory (also: sensory memory) keeps our perception impressions ready for only about a second? What we do not need will be deleted. While that short memory (also: working memory) information reserves a maximum of a few minutes, get information that we need in the long term, into Long-term memory, This happens, for example, through emotional experiences or through targeted learning. Because: The environment and our genes account for about 30 to 40 percent of our brain power, And the rest? A matter of practice.

What can I do to improve my memory?

Unfortunately, to increase our cognitive performance, it is not enough to solve a sudoku from time to time. To improve your memory, you should heed the following things:

Solve difficult tasks

Of course it can not hurt to solve the crossword puzzle or sudoku from the daily newspaper. However, for example, only your general knowledge is queried in the crossword puzzle. It is better, however, to solve tricky tasks in order to train your memory.

to do sports

Sport is good not only for the body, but also for the brain. One reason could be that Sports promotes blood circulation in the brain and the growth of nerves, However, the processes that trigger sport are not yet clear. Nonetheless, it is a good memory training and good for your health

11 Secrets to Memorize Things Quicker Than Others (May 2024).

Brain training, memory, memory training, meditation