If you have these problems, only one thing can help: turn life around!

Of course, we all have problems, typically human. But there are such and such. Many of our problems challenge us in the first place. Challenges that motivate us to solve them in a targeted way. For example, the quarrel with the nurse, the short-term sleep disorder or the stubborn minus on the account. We deal with such problems, develop a strategy and solve it. But there are also problems whose roots are deeper and which show us that something fundamental is not right in our lives.

These problems are signs that you should change your life

1. Your envy puts a strain on you and your relationships.

A girlfriend envy because she can afford everything her parents want, or follow the travel blogger at Insta and dream of sharing her life with her? completely okay! A healthy dose of envy helps us to find out what is important to us and what we strive for. However, if it goes so far that we really start to hate our girlfriend or secretly wish the blogger something bad, our envy is one thing above all: a signal that we are deeply dissatisfied with our lives? and it would be best to turn it upside down.

2. You are extremely difficult with decisions.

Passion and emotions are our most important compass? if we miss them, we hang in the air. We do not know what we want, what we need, what we feel like. Even small decisions in everyday life are difficult for us? or we do not care. If our decisiveness, that is, passion, decreases noticeably in this way, it is often a sign that our life is generally less meaningful than it used to be. And that can only be because something is fundamentally wrong? because if we always love one thing with all our hearts, that is definitely our life.

3. You can not control your chaos anymore.

Sure, there are decent people (virgins!) And less neat? but fundamentally it is true what one says: that the state of our apartment reflects the state of our soul. Who lets the own shed fill up and spoil, does that mostly, because he or she even for small things like clothes in the cupboard or dust sucking the motivation is missing? and missing or lost motivation is a serious warning signal! After all, is motivation our natural, mental motor that drives us and keeps us alive? and when he faints, he obviously lacks the fuel: lust for life!

4. No one understands what makes you so stressed.

You're always stressed, but when you try to explain to a trusted person, does she just look at you blankly? Could be that the stress takes place above all in your head and you just can not do anything anymore. No stress: It's not up to you or because you're weak? you probably went wrong somewhere and now unfortunately on the wrong track. It just helps stop, take a break and reorient. It is not easy, but it will be worth it, I promise!

5. Your fear prevents you from trying new things.

Everyone is afraid of something. From losing someone to clowns or long, hard winters. But while such fears show us what is important to us, or motivate us to develop strategies that protect us (eg save in time for a holiday in the South), a much more problematic fear prevents us from trying new things, learning from our failures and to develop ourselves in life. If we notice that such a fear paralyzes us, only one thing helps: break out!

Video tip: 7 signs that you do not love yourself enough

14 Things Destroy Your Computer Slowly and Unnoticeably (April 2024).

Insta, self-love