"I'm more like that Porsche among women"? 3 tips in dealing with arrogance

Again and again they appear, and most of the time in the most inconvenient places: people bursting with arrogance. Guys who sit on such a high horse that they ought to run out of oxygen in the stratosphere. We would not be wrong.

Most of the time they manage to turn things that we were looking forward to into a frumpy experience within a very short time. With the new colleague, the canteen tortelloni suddenly taste like cardboard? He himself does not eat "this frass", but has perfected his diet. And then the girls' evening develops into unbearable, because the little sister of the best friend with the butt wobbling claims that every guy see in her the Porsche among the women's models.

But how do you deal best with such people? And what if their arrogance becomes hurtful?

Step 1: Recognize, Breathe, Understand

Arrogance dazzles. Often we only see red and burst inwardly with anger. But sometimes half long: Actually, there is no reason for it, because behind arrogant behavior is often great uncertainty. Lack of self-esteem is quickly hidden behind a good dose of bigotry. Most of the time this insight helps to gain the upper hand.

Arrogant people feed on showing others how much better they are. Their continuous self-affirmation has the effect of a mantra: Anyone who repeats a lie often enough will eventually be convinced of it. Really sad, right?

The new employee with the perfect diet may not feel so comfortable with the shape of his triceps and is now playing with pseudo-knowledge. The little sister, on the other hand, can not hold a relationship for more than three Tequilashots.

Step 2: Weighing, turning away

Once you have recognized that an arrogant person is actually quite unstable, it can be easier to deal with. Second, ask yourself if you really need to interact with this person. That has nothing to do with dodging? Certain people may now be left safely.

Sure, the new employee does not dissolve in the air and the lunch in the team is anchored in the operating philosophy. The little Porsche sister of the girlfriend, however, does not always have to be there and may be taken out of the personal contact list. In general, there is no time to spend with people who do not do you good. Is not it completely without contact, then turn this down to the lowest level.

Step 3: Respond, Abreact

Even if arrogant people inwardly doubt their grandeur, are they not showing anything? on the contrary, they respond snappily and aggressively to direct attack. Some just wait to hack their claws into a victim and make it a slug.

So it's important to be brave against arrogance. Counterattack or provocation only make the person feel even more insecure and respond with even more arrogance. There is no help for anyone and the last thing that springs from it is insight.

If interaction can not be avoided, it helps, for example, to control the conversation itself. Arrogant people often have a hobby? for the employee, it is the diet, for the little sister her alleged ability to wrap men around the finger. Sometimes it helps to change the topic? and suddenly it is quiet.

If this does not work, you can also confidently resort to the "agree-to-disagree" method: polite to the understanding that one accepts and understands their opinion, but personally thinks differently. Especially with political topics, this mediating attitude is often the most peaceful.

Of course it can happen that someone would like to show their forehead? even if, as mentioned above, this rarely leads to the goal. Here you should be careful. A joke about the person would be inappropriate? a joke that involves the person, on the other hand, can relax.

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