"I feel very well and female"

Tamara, 34 years

Tamaras family comes from the Seychelles: "I'm used to people looking at me because I look exotic."

© Annette Riedl

Why are you here today? I've always been a ChroniquesDuVasteMonde fan who had seen the action happen and thought: Yeah, that's it. I always liked body-painting artistically and wanted to try it out.

How would you describe the relationship to your body? Of course you always think as a woman: That and that is too fat. But by and large, I'm happy with my body and think I can show it.

How do you feel when you are naked? Naked (laughs). The first few minutes it may be funny, but then okay. I also like going to the sauna. Of course, all eyes are often on me, because I am dark-skinned and thus look more exotic.

What do you think, what it will feel like to be painted today? I think it's a nice body feeling. Definitely something new? very exciting, but also exhausting.

How do you feel about your appearance? I think I do not have to hide and I'm really happy.

What does beauty mean to you? Beauty is relative and always different. Very banal things can be beautiful, a stone for example. Generally, I do not think "beauty" is a good word.

Tamaras transformation in pictures

Tamaras transformation in pictures

What are you doing to make you feel good? Probably what many women do: caring, sports, healthy eating.

Please describe your relationship with food and nutrition. I am an absolute connoisseur. Eating is almost better than sex! I really like eating for my life. This is also related to my family, because we all like to cook and eat.

Do you feed yourself in a special way? Are you vegan or vegetarian? I actually eat pretty much everything, but I try to keep it balanced.

And what do you do for your body and your health? I do yoga, go jogging and swimming. I've been doing sports all my life. I could not do that without it.

Are you weighing yourself regularly? No, I do not even have a scale. I weigh but I think about the same for years.

What does womanhood mean to you? On the one hand, I am very happy to be a woman and like to play with it. I feel very well and feminine in my body. On the other hand, it is sometimes difficult to be a woman in equality issues, even if we are of course blessed here in Germany.

And what does sexuality mean to you? Similar to eating: passion and pleasure!

How do you express your sexuality? By dressing, moving or even speaking in a certain way. There are many options.

How does your clothing influence your feelings and moods? For a while I always put out my clothes for the next day the night before. In the meantime, I'm actually dressing myself more mood-dependent and spontaneously decide in the morning what I want.

What is your opinion on the fashion industry? I love fashion and think it's great that we are allowed to live it out here in Germany.

What was the bravest thing you have ever done in your life? Jump off the plane.

What experience has changed your life the most? Negative definitely when my mother died 15 years ago. Of course that was very incisive and moving. Positive my trip last year. I was alone in Asia and Australia for half a year. That has always been my dream.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge for you today? To be naked. And all day as a "model"? to work.

And we asked these questions Tamara after body-painting

Tamara about herself: "I do not consider myself photogenic." We see very differently!

© Annette Riedl

How would you retrospectively describe the day today? Crazy and exciting. I could do it everyday and felt like I was part of the art myself.

And now again in comparison: how did you feel before? I was excited and did not know what to expect.

And now? Oh my God! (laughs) It definitely exceeded my expectations and was one of the best experiences I've ever had.

Did the colors used influence your mood? Yes, with every color more. In the beginning, I was not sure if the many bright colors suited me. But at the latest when we photographed outside in the garden, I was convinced.

Do you think the day has changed anything for you in the long run? I hope so.I think you take a piece of every experience with you. Going naked on the street was very exciting.

How was the collaboration with Johny Dar? Completely relaxed. He is very relaxed, but at the same time very creative and professional.

How do you usually react when you are photographed? Basically, I do not mind, but do not consider myself very photogenic.

How did you find the photo shoot today? It was fun, but it was a challenge. But luckily there were great people here who have guided me well.

What was the biggest challenge for you today? Actually the photos. How do I properly pose? How do I manage not to laugh or talk? I had to take back my natural nature and behave more like a model. That was already work!

What did you like most? When I lay on the ground and the neon colors hit me. And of course the photos on the street.

Was there a moment today that will be particularly remembered? The? Jungle photos? in the garden.

Would you do it again? Definitely.

Shania Twain - Man! I Feel Like A Woman (Official Music Video) (May 2024).

Germany, Body-Painting Johny Dar, Woman, Make-Up, Project, Photos, Beauty