How to store cheese correctly!

The ideal storage place is the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Store the cheese in its original packaging or cheese paper.

If aluminum foil is used for packing, stick small holes in it.

Cheese needs to breathe, so avoid using airtight plastic containers or cheese bells. For short-term storage is a cheese bell made of glass. Tip: a sliced ​​tomato placed under the bell, prevents the cheese from drying out.

Do not store mild cheeses with strong fragrant varieties, so they do not take their scent.

Cheese should not be frozen, so much of the taste is lost.

It is best to remove cheese from the fridge half an hour before the meal, so it is best to develop its aroma.

How to Properly Store Cheese at Home (May 2024).

Cheese, cheese, fridge, storage