How do you get rid of annoying people? 5 strategies

1. The permanent talkers

There is virtually no place to be safe from them: in the subway, at the party or at the grandma's coffee table. The people who talk bandwraps. And rob us of the last nerve with it. But how do you get rid of them once they unpack their tirades about the injustices of the world, their last relationship or their super achievements? After all, you do not want to be rude ...

There are two good tips:

First: the spontaneous touch. Ask the Word Waterfall a spontaneous question and reach out to touch his arm or shoulder. Most people are so irritated that they stop talking. And that's your chance.

Secondly: the strange counter question. A similar psychological principle is used by the next strategy. Ask something that does not fit the topic at all. An example: Your counterpart keeps monologues over his house building and you suddenly ask: "Say, what interests me: Do you have siblings?" Sounds crazy, but helps.

2. The Emotional Overstressed

There are topics you do not want to discuss with everyone. For example, his account balance or family planning. But not everyone seems to accept these limits. But what is the best way to react when asked about the outstanding offspring at a family dinner?

It must be said that this strategy is less important than the choice of words, but rather the consequence is important. The best is an authentic, quiet blocking. For example: "You will surely understand that this question is too private for this round."

The decisive factor is that you do not get irritated: So, no long "after-explain", no getting angry and no buckling. The questioner must recognize in your posture that he has gone too far and remains firm.

3. The downers

It also has bad luck who meets such a counterpart. The Weltschmerz types: The weather is always too cold / too wet / too hot, the others are to blame for everything and anyway everything in this world is at the mercy of damnation. In these cases, one reflexively begins to talk to the other and to make good suggestions. What is usually picked apart in other, endlessly long negative speeches.

What helps? Be open. "I made you some suggestions that you did not like, but now, unfortunately, nobody remembers me, what do you think could help you?"

This plays the ball back to the other side and your opponent is forced to change his point of view. When only a "nothing" comes, you can stand up with a clear conscience and dedicate yourself to other people.

4. The know-it-alls

The counterpart to the Runterzieher is the Besserwisser. He spreads his half-knowledge into the world, is terribly convinced of his (apparent) qualities and above all always has an opinion. ALWAYS. If the bourgeois blows up another round, you may as well ask directly: "So you think the project needs XY, can you explain to me what exactly you mean by that?"

With that, almost every know-it-all is unmasked, because now he really has to prove himself and will think longer the next time what he trumpets into the world.

5. The time-beleger

"You're free on Wednesday? Great, I'll come over for breakfast at 10 o'clock and we'll chat for a while." Hello? No! The time lags can really scare you and are definitely in the advanced league among the nerve types.

In this case, consistent, specific blocking is announced - without discussion. Above all, no "slowly teach by the flower". These people could stand in front of a forest and describe a wide meadow. But that's not your problem, so you may time-slip a stop sign.

Dealing With Difficult & Annoying People (May 2024).

Breaking, annoying people