Hot on the home stove: Fathers on parental leave

Since the introduction of the parental allowance, the applications of the fathers for parental allowance have steadily increased, as reported by the Federal Statistical Office on 29 February. In the first quarter of 2007, only 6.9 percent of all applications submitted by fathers increased to 12.4 percent in the fourth quarter. Over the entire year, 571,000 parental allowance applications were approved. 60,000 of these had been provided by fathers. Incidentally, the daddy in Berlin and Bavaria have particularly distinguished themselves. They lead the statistics on country level, tail light is the Saarland.

There are a few downside: More than half of all fathers who claimed parental leave applied for it for two months. For a baby time of twelve months, only 18 percent opted. Since the fathers would like to orient themselves a bit more to the mothers. Not surprisingly, it is exactly the opposite: 87 percent of women claim parental allowance for twelve months, less than one percent for two months.

How paramedics work and what you need to know if you want to apply for parental allowance yourself can be found in the Special.

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No Parents! (OFFENSIVE) (April 2024).

Parental allowance, parental leave, Destatis, Berlin, Saarland, parental allowance, parental leave, fathers