Hafthor Björnsson: The "Game of Thrones" star has to eat every two hours

The Icelandic actor and strongman Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (30) was officially named the strongest man in the world in 2018. Speaking to the American New York Post, the muscle-bound 2.06-meter and 180-kilogram giant now said, "I have to eat every two hours to stay in shape." He is currently devouring around 10,000 calories a day and most recently trained daily to be in top shape in a forthcoming strongman competition in England.

This can also confirm his wife Kelsey, which weighs just 53 kilograms and is only 1.57 meters tall. "He really eats a lot," joked the Canadian. "When we go to the supermarket, we need a truck to get home, but that's okay - he can only pull a truck with his hands."

Series fans know the Icelandic giant from the fantasy epic "Game of Thrones". There Strongman Björnsson plays the impressive side character Gregor Clegane, who is also known in the German version as "Der Berg".

How The Mountain Got Ripped For Game Of Thrones (May 2024).

Hafthor Björnsson, The Mountain, The Mountain, Game of Thrones, Fitness