Grave planting: All year round and easy to care for!

Grabbepflanzung: Introduction to the grave care

The grave planting is also part of many of us Processing of death a loved one. We want the tomb to look well-kept and accurate. Maybe you ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which possibilities of grave design are there?
  • Which plants are particularly suitable for planting?
  • What role do light conditions play in the cemetery?
  • What does an easy-care grave plant look like?

Grabbepflanzung: What is the easy-care solution?

For a year-round grave planting, you should note the following points in advance:

  • Grave is free of weeds (cemetery gardener commission if needed)
  • Dig up deeper before planting to really eliminate anything from bothersome roots
  • Apply potting soil

All-purpose weapon groundcover

  • Especially if you are with small effort a well-maintained grave prefer to offer easy-care groundcover, the hold all year round and stylish accents put.
  • Place the ground cover so that the Tombstone not covered by them becomes. You ask yourself: what are ground coverers anyway? Groundcoverers are plants that turn out to be in the width classifies a growing genus.
  • As a result, they cover the floor as the name implies, protecting it from drying out. Especially for the summer a factor that should not be underestimated. An additional advantage of ground cover: They block weeds and other vermin!
  • Important: Choose your groundcover according to the conditions in the cemetery. For small tombs, it is best to use feather padding, while double graves use high ground cover, such as foam blossom.

Grabbepflanzung: When do I start planting?

After the funeral you wait first at least six monthsbefore you start grave design. Even if you would like to take care of a loved one's grave immediately, you should get up Arrangement and simple decoration restrict. It is important to wait with the planting first.

Grave planting: In spring

Spring is traditionally the time when flowers and grasses bloom again. After a long winter, we are busy renovating the balcony and garden.

Even with the grave care you now have the opportunity to set new accents, First of all, you should do that Loosen grave and free from weeds as described above.

When choosing plants, you can use the following flowers particularly well:

  • violet
  • tulips
  • daffodils
  • crocuses

Grave planting: In summer

Even if spring is already a great season for the planting of the grave, the summer can beat that again.

In your plant selection plays the Location and in particular the lighting conditions a crucial role. It is important, of course, that you are in phases of severe drought and heat regularly for pouring stopping by.

Plants for the shade:

  • begonia
  • Günsel
  • anamirta cocculus

Plants for the partial shade:

  • Eisbegonien
  • fuchsias
  • Männertreu
  • Edel Lies

Plants for the sun:

  • geraniums
  • Mittagsgold
  • sage
  • marigold

Grave planting: In autumn

  • Already at the end of August or at the beginning of September you will find one Change in nature instead of. The trees slowly lose their leaves, wind and rain increase. The flowers of your grave begin to wither or fade.
  • Especially if you do not want to roll up the tomb design almost in the autumn, it makes sense that you already put on flowers in the spring and summer, which also in the first withstand frosty temperatures.
  • If you yourself have little experience with gardening, please also ask the Friedhofsgärtner for ideas or help. You can also take a tour of the cemetery yourself and look around, as relatives there handle the grave design. Maybe you'll find interesting inspirations!

Here are some tips for choosing flowers in autumn:

  • hellebores
  • honesty
  • Chrystanthemen

Grave planting: In the winter

Approximately Mid November the next turnaround will take place and winter will be announced. The same applies here: Good preparation saves work later!

  • Remove foliage
  • Use arrangements or various covers (eg fir)
  • Dispose of summer plants

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Videotipp: The perfect garden maintenance: How to get a dream meadow for the summer!

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