Getting older for beginners: why 40 is more than 20

Puffy bags start to grow under my eyes, chocolate suddenly thickens, and when someone smiles at me on the street, who is under 60, I mentally put a cross on my calendar: I do not always find it pleasing to grow older. In a society geared for youthfulness, which honors women as their very first beauty (yes, still!), But equates beauty with youth, I quickly lose sight of the beauty of life - and overlook what a huge happiness aging is ,

There are even more good reasons to take a calming approach to aging in the new ChroniquesDuVasteMonde WOMAN Special "Relaxing Get Older" (available for retail sale for 6.80 euros from 19 November).

Unfortunately, I do not count among the women who say in their mid 40s: I finally know what I want, and I take that too. I still do not always take what I want today, and sometimes I do not even know what that might be. And I found my life sparkling - a land of opportunity that benevolently opened my arms for me. Today, my life often feels like Germany looks like: full of one-way streets, signposts and prohibition signs. We are not exactly blessed with a culture that allows people beyond 40 counts and detours. If possible, follow the path once taken to the end.

We are doing very well! We who are healthy and fortunate enough to live in such a prosperous country where we hardly have existential concerns. And so we can wallow in luxury problems like: wrinkles, cellulite, lack of shine in the hair. Unfortunately, this leads us to spend precious lifetimes leaning down, coloring the gray out of our hair, and finding the clothes that make us shine in the best light - instead of doing what inspires, inspires, inspires Laugh or move on.

Susanne Arndt (46) is tired of looking morosely into the mirror - her life deserves better.

We complain about the waste in our affluent society. But what weighs heavier than the rotten carrot or the impeccable dress in the trash, is the biggest waste of all: to let the supposedly unattractive bacon rolls and laugh lines the great gift of life madig.

Let's finally celebrate aging as what it is: a privilege. And if we just think about the benefits of aging, we quickly realize how many are. This is also shown by my personal pro list. And what does your look like?

40 reasons why 40 is more than 20 (also in terms of age)

Life is a rollercoaster. I know that it always goes uphill.

I do not sleep Sundays anymore.

I do not sleep anymore? six hours are enough.

I am allowed to experience how a little person (my son) grows up.

I do not smoke anymore.

I have enough money to go when I have to get out.

I have friends all over Germany - and a few abroad.

I appreciate my relationship and take care of it.

I can buy the good wine.

I do not miss anything.

I have old friends.

I do not answer the phone just because it rings.

I do not do anything just because it's hip.

I do not feel immortal anymore.

I have my style.

I know myself very well.

I know a lot about myself.

I stand by my shortcomings.

I do not always have to be cool.

I listen.

I also get a meal without a prescription.

I take a taxi to the airport when the plane leaves at 6 o'clock.

I like to be alone.

I know how precious love is.

I know how precious health is.

I know that you do not get any salmonella from the cake bag.

I know that there are as many truths as there are people.

I put on the warm jacket, although I look like a hot dog.

I am good at my job.

I no longer eat chips and chocolate.

I practice sports.

I know that consumption only pretends to make you happy.

I know who I can rely on.

I know who I can not rely on.

I can not be so easily terminated.

I have money for the ancient Gouda.

I have an opinion (or several).

I feel loved.

I know why I am who I am (a bit).

The others can sometimes (not always, but more often).

What are your reasons why 40 is better than 20?

Write down the merits of getting older in the comment field!

Guess My Age: 3 Women's Ages SHOCK the Studio Audience | Rachael Ray Show (May 2024).

Getting older, getting older