• April 20, 2024

Get Rich for Dummies - How to Become a Rich Bitch

Whether you are a talented Sparfuchs or the queen of Verprassens. There is a method that is guaranteed to make you Carmen Geiss of the middle class. In philistine circles they are called three-accounts model. We call it the rich-bitch principle. Simply, because it sounds better. No matter what you call it, all you need are three different accounts.

Account number 1

Here moves the most. All your income goes into the account and all fixed expenses go off. Also in the supermarket this account must serve as source of the Moneten. Let's call it the serious-of-life account. From Ernst's life account also fixed amounts go to the other two accounts.

Account number 2

On account number 2 you transfer 10 - 15 percent of your income. And you do NOT touch this touch !!!!! NO WAY!!!! Unless you are in dire need. So emergency in the sense of need and not in the sense of "But the 400-euro blouse would look soooo nice to me." If you follow this rule, this account becomes your rich-bitch account. Small bill: If you earn 2000 euros net, you save at least 200 euros every month. After ten years, it summed up to 24,000 attacks. Oh yeahhhh.

Account number 3

Account number is your pocket money account. Rich bitch professionals recommend 300 euros a month for your personal pleasure. So shopping, cinema, massage and co ...

The golden rule

If you pull this off, the blessing is almost nothing in the way. Only one more thing: you must not despise money. Anyone who thinks deeply that all rich people are criminals will always be self-torpedoing. So trade hard, feed your accounts every month and enjoy the feeling of being a rich bitch.

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Become A Rich Bitch // Love Your Life Bitch VLOG #43 (April 2024).