Flushing: Always this embarrassing blush

... at school, the university, during a conference, with the hot guy on the first date widely visible as a Leuchtboje, As I hate, when my body conspires against me, my innermost mind simply turns outside. Becoming red is the visualization of any uncertainty. The worst part: You can not do anything against the so-called Flush Syndrome do. The best thing to do is to take a deep breath, make a cool statement and hope that the other person's attention quickly turns to something else, or in short, the bottom opens up underneath you. Flushing really sucks.

Flushing: The hard facts

  • widespread phenomenon that roughly equally often with women and men occurs
  • can cause them that adversely affect social and professional life and, for example, bypass meetings with others, even friends.
  • In some cases, one develops onerous phobia in front of a flush

What happens in our body when blushing?

Why the blood suddenly shoots in our heads, there are a lot of theories. When we are exposed to emotional stimuli, the body can go with one Combat or escape reaction respond, causing the release additional adrenalin stimulated. That in turn affects the sympathetic nervous systemwhich controls a part of the non-arbitrarily controllable nervous system. If this system is stimulated, this leads among other things to Dilation of blood vessels, There may be larger amounts on the skin surface blood stream. The skin turns red and feels warm. In most cases, the upper oneChest, lower neck and face affected. Occasionally, a flush can also extend to the body and legs.

Flushing: Those are the causes

Unfortunately, that is blushing not controllable, Some people become even the smallestemotions or stress red. Everyone can imagine how terrible that is for those affected. But you come with the problem to one doctor Often it can not help, in the worst case one still hears: "This is still growing".Sure, in the mid 30's that makes perfect sense ... # ironieoff. In addition to the emotional reasons, such as insecurity, stress and excitement there are others Causes that should be excluded for example:

  • the drop in estrogen levels during menopause
  • Allergies and food intolerances
  • Medicines and alcohol
  • high blood pressure
  • Rosacea may cause increased erythema in some cases.
  • rare diseases, eg. Carcinoid syndrome, which causes blushing

Can you treat flushing?

Everybody gets blushing in his life, that's it nothing unusual, But some people are so badly affected that they are severely restricted in their everyday lives.

Helps these people: 

  • the skin to cover cosmetically or clothes with Turtleneck to wear
  • a cognitive behavior therapy and also hypnosis can help.
  • medical therapy Using beta-blockers can reduce flushing, although there is no scientific evidence for it.
  • Anxiolytics and antidepressants can alleviate the fears associated with the color change, but do not seem to affect the blush itself.
  • a Operation at the nerve fibers be severed in the chest cavity, which, however, is irreversible and associated with many side effects

All aspects of the topic must necessarily be thoroughly with the Family doctor or the surgeon be discussed.