Favorite Recipes: Slim with Tiramisu

Have a tasty meal and do not have to miss out on treats such as tiramisu or meatloaf. That sounds like a dream. But is feasible if such favorite recipes have fewer calories. Then they fit great in any diet - and are also ideal for those who want to lose pounds without diet.

In the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde experimental kitchen we experimented for you. We've slimmed popular classics down. Just saved on calories, where it is not noticeable in taste. The result is modern, lighter favorite recipes, hearty and sweet, for family or guests. Five recipes can be found on the next page, another 15 in the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-Extraheft "Losing weight with favorite dishes" that you can download here (free for subscribers, otherwise 3 euros).

But the booklet offers much more: an information section "Eat better, stay slim" on 25 pages. It's all about the question: How to save calories easily and inexpensively throughout the day? For example, in the restaurant, at the bakery or in the coffee shop. You will be amazed where everywhere calorie bombs hide in supposedly healthy snacks. Special goodie: 20 finished products with little or no additives - recommended by ChroniquesDuVasteMonde.

From roast beef to risotto: 5 favorite recipes with fewer calories

Roast beef with remoulade and fried potatoes Roast beef is pure slimming food, but tastes only half as nice without its two companions. Our slim version: defuse the remoulade with salad cream and fine cucumber pieces. And for the fried potatoes, we also have a great trick ... To the recipe

Tiramisu As a dessert, the original is often too powerful. Our slim version: Mascarpone adé and refreshing apple compote under a cottage cheese cream cap. Already 2000 calories are saved! To the recipe

Tarte Flat and crispy we love him. But the classic cream-bacon topping is pretty powerful. Our slim version: instead of bacon, there is Parma ham, and instead of cream, make two types of cream cheese appetite. To the recipe

Wrong Bunny He runs and runs and runs - and he should please continue, because we love him so much. Our slim version: beef and turkey instead of fat mixed hack; light ground instead of heavy sauce. To the recipe

Risotto with mushrooms Hard to believe that you can save calories with this risotto, as creamy as it is. Our slim version: The rice is cooked in bouillon, and only at the end is refined with butter. To the recipe

THE BEST SKINNY TIRAMISU EVER – Italian Dessert Recipe (April 2024).

Favorite recipe, tiramisu, risotto, favorite dish, restaurant, calorie, ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet, favorite recipes