Esstypen: Eat with pleasure and still lose weight

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Shall I still, should not I? Am I allowed to do that? Is not that too fat? Stop it. Those who eat intuitively and from the gut, what the body demands, weigh less and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, studies show. But what does that mean: "out of the gut"? Eating intuitively means eating, when you're hungry, stopping when you're full, there are no prohibitions. But not for everyone the way there is the same. Find out which of the following types of escorts applies to you.

By the way: If you start to eat intuitively, you may start to gain weight. This is normal, you first learn to trust in physical signals. The American nutrition expert Steven Hawks advises to initially buy fattening and also to eat. Because these are suddenly allowed, they quickly lose their appeal. After some time you have a sense for the right measure.

Type 1: The Practical Eater

They eat because it just fits: The canteen menu, because it is convenient, the tasting snacks in the supermarket because they are standing around, and in the evening the ready pizza, because that is fast.

This is how you learn intuitive food

Listen to yourself, What you really feel like, Because if you are sensitive to the needs of your body, you provide it with just the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are just missing.

To regain a sense of what your body really needs, you should dispense with finished products, Because flavor enhancers, lots of sugar and fat in industrial food interfere with the body perception.

And Do not wait until your stomach growls, because when cravings appear quickly exploitable energy suppliers with high fat and carbohydrate share always tempting than about a yogurt or raw food. Therefore, to avoid bingeing, you should treat yourself to a light snack if you are feeling slightly hungry.

Type 2: the emotionally unconscious eater

They grab sweet thingswhen you feel stress, depression, frustration or boredom.

This is how you learn intuitive food

There is often a desire for relaxation, for tenderness, for comfort or simply for a break after a supposed appetite. In most cases, a short break helps to understand the real needs: just go around the block or drink a glass of cold water and breathe deeply. Maybe then you realize that it was not the grape nut chocolate, but the embrace of a loved one you longed for.

Type 3: The unthinking eater

They eat by the wayif you read, watch tv, drive a car. You hardly notice how good something tastes and whether you are not already full.

This is how you learn intuitive food

Make the food a kind of meditation. Try to taste spices or herbs. Feel the consistency of different foods.

Do not do anything that distracts you. As soon as it tastes half as good, you should come to the end. The more consciously you eat, the sooner you learn to recognize and give in to the satiety.

It can help to pause every now and then during the meal and take a five-second break: Does it taste as good as it did in the beginning? Imagine a saturation scale of one (extremely hungry) to ten (really overeating). If you are at five or six, you are sufficiently full.

Type 4: The seducing eater

You just can not say noif something delicious is in front of you. And if you are invited to dinner or sit at the table with friends, you will automatically eat, even if you are not hungry.

This is how you learn intuitive food

Do not be tempted to eat when you are full. Pick up the goodies for later. If relatives or friends want to persuade you to feast: Refuse politely, but definitely. Make it clear that you do not have to do without laboriously, but do something good for yourself.

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10 Ess-Typen, die jeder kennt – world of watson (April 2024).

Esstypen, lose weight, diet, eating habits, food, meal, hunger