Educator desperately wanted! This is how Minister Giffey wants to make training more attractive

The numbers are scary. By the year 2025, 191,000 skilled workers are missing in German day nurseries, and by the year 2030 there will be 199,000 missing educators. This resulted in a current Prognos study of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, report the spark newspapers.

Educators in training should receive compensation in the future

Among other things, a financial offensive by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs is to help. In addition to the promised 5.5 billion euros from the "good-Kita-law" Federal Family Minister Franziska Giffey (SPD) wants to provide the countries 300 million euros, so that prospective educators in the future, a remuneration can be paid in education.

Currently, the first years of education are not paid in the educator profession. Often prospective educators even have to pay school fees. Franziska Giffey said:

There is interest in this profession, but for too many, it is not attractive enough. As long as we do not achieve better pay and recognition, nothing should change.

With the specialist offensive, the profession of "educator" should also be much more attractive for men. So far, the proportion of men in Kita staff nationwide is just under six percent, so another result of the study.

Greens leader Annalena Baerbock criticizes the initiative of Minister Giffey, reports the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, and speaks of a "drop in the ocean".

If 191,000 professionals are missing and the money only 50,000 additional school leavers for an educator training can be won, then that's not enough.

The work of educators was very stressful, many felt burned out. The federal and state governments therefore urgently need to work to improve the working conditions in the day care centers in the long term.

Filme John Wesley de 1954 (em inglês) (April 2024).

Franziska Giffey, SPD, Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, child care