• April 19, 2024

Dog fleas? recognize and fight

Dog fleas are annoying parasites that can cause severe itching in dogs. It seems like fleas like dogs especially. Almost every dog ​​owner knows and fears this parasite. Find out how to recognize dog fleas and which dog flea medicines there are.

Dog Fleas: What are dog fleas?

Dog fleas (Latin name: Ctenocephalides canis) are two to four millimeters small parasites, which are particularly atwarm temperatures feel good and nest. Their life is exclusively for reproduction. During the day, a female dog flea can lay up to 50 eggs. Depending on the temperature, it takes one to ten days until the first flea larvae hatch. In the first few days as a larva, the dog flea especially likes dark places, such as dense dog fur, sofa seats or other textiles. A young flea can survive for up to eight weeks without a host.

The dog flea feeds on the blood of its host and after a portion they can wait two months until the next meal. At the beginning of their lives, the larvae can survive for up to eight weeks without a host.

On average, dog fleas live up to three weeks. During this time, a female flea can lay about 2,000 eggs. The dog flea is not the only flea species that can infest your dog - cat fleas have a similar effect on your dog.

Dog fleas: How does my dog ​​get dog fleas?

A dog flea theoretically lurking everywhere and never comes alone. Your dog can by the Contact with other dogs, animals or humans be affected by the fleas. Fleas jump from host to host and make it comfortable between them. Even the eggs of dog fleas can spread on the fur. Then the fleas hatch and cause the same symptoms as a "finished" flea that has already infested another dog. For example, flea eggs can get your dog by playing on another dog's blanket.

Dog fleas: How can recognize flea infestation?

The classic symptoms of flea infestation are:

  • Itching and associated scratching (especially on the neck, back or stomach)
  • Redness on the skin caused by scratching
  • pustules
  • Black to dark brown dirt on the coat of the dog

If you observe at least one of these abnormalities on your dog, you can use one simple trick Find out if your dog suffers from dog fleas:

Put down under your dog a damp, white cloth or damp kitchen paper. Then comb through your dog once. If there are dark grains that slowly turn red, you can be sure that this is the droppings of a dog flea and your dog is infested with fleas. Flea feces therefore turn red, because it feeds on the blood of its host.

Dog Fleas: How will I get rid of them?

If your dog has fleas, there are a number of things you can do to get rid of them.

  • At the vet or in the specialized trade you get flea brush, With this, or even a flea comb, you can brush the fleas out of the fur. Put a big cloth under your dog or place it in the bathtub so that the fleas do not spread all over the apartment.
  • With so-called spot-ons, one Dog flea control, you can combat the fleas sustainably. Spot ons are a liquid that is dripped onto the dog's neck, spreads slowly across the dog and kills the fleas.
  • There are also special dogs flea shampooswith which you can wash your four-legged friend. Before using a dog flea or flea spray, ask the veterinarian again.
  • You can also do your dog tablets give support in killing the fleas. One to two weeks later, the dog should be dewormed.

Dog fleas: How can I prevent?

  • The Apartment should be cleaned regularly, especially the textiles. Textiles that are difficult to clean should be disposed of after a flea infestation. Spray with an ambient spray or a fogger again through the whole apartment.
  • You can give your dog one special flea collar create a deterrent to the parasites. Regular and thorough grooming is also essential to prevent dog fleas.
  • Every four to six weeks you should give your dog one flea prevention subject so that a troublesome flea infestation can no longer occur.

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VIDEO TIP: How your dog sleeps says a lot about his character

Banfield Pet Hospital - How to Check for Fleas on your Dog or Cat (April 2024).

Parasite, pet