Do not increase at Christmas? That's how it's done!

Strategy 1: Eat traps elegantly

Do you always stop eating when you are full? Then you are the big exception. Most of us feed until the plate is empty. Did we learn that way, and we do not have to be surprised if we do not just increase at Christmas.

It's not the gut feeling that determines how much we eat, but the portion - no matter how big it is, how fat, how high in calories. And on holidays, renunciation is virtually prohibited by law.

Do not be trapped this Christmas at Christmas. Stop in time. Or take less from the start. A good strategy against the increase.

Strategy 2: Finally time to sleep

Luckily, most are free on holidays and often between years. There is finally time. And you should use that. But not to hang around in the dolls with the family or empty colorful plates.

Sleep better. Lots, persistent and with bliss. A great strategy against the increase. Because growth hormones get going and break down fat. Night owls, on the other hand, develop hormones that boost their appetite. Good reasons for tightened mattress listening service.

Strategy 3: Really cool - your apartment

No question: the central heating is a real blessing. Unfortunately, heating makes you fat. As the? Humans have a "thermoneutral zone" that is around 26 degrees. A climate where the body uses the least energy - and unfortunately we burn the least calories.

The colder the room, the more the organism has to work to get it up to operating temperature. So, put the heater down a few degrees, and let the metabolism do nicely, and you're off to a few calories.

Strategy 4: You like it bright

Dinner by candlelight - nice meant, but nothing for the figure. Scientists have found: Fuzzy light is really appetizing. We then lose the self-control and shovel in so pure.

So spot on and hi-fi system off. Because you conscientiously do without background-irrigation. The seduces namely to the multi-food, as other researchers claim.

Strategy 5: Fish on the table!

There are traditions that should be tidied up at times. For example a Christmas goose - do you really need it every year? Or the oily fondue on New Year's Eve?

Maybe you can redetach: You auction off your goose on the Web, order the meat - and rather pick a nice salmon. Makes just as much, tastes delicious and has one or two health benefits: Omega-3 fatty acids provide an extra boost of vitamin D, which we especially need in winter. The healthy fish oil also brings fat and sugar metabolism on the go - the best conditions, not to get fat. A little miracle, such a fish.

Strategy 6: Vanilla Tea instead of Kipferl

Fat is well known as a flavor carrier, sugar somehow too, and in common both are in many goodies that we incorporate from late October to mid-January. We love sweets, also to eat the dark season nicely. With the known consequences.

This time you get your good mood low in calories: over spices. Cinnamon, cardamom, anise, ginger and, above all, vanilla spice up their food, raise serotonin levels and ensure a good mood. Your essential oils can even trigger happiness.

Spices in the winter particularly intensively, for example also tea and coffee. Then you need less sweets to nibble.

Strategy 7: Enough water in the house

Drink! And not just red wine. It is quite healthy in moderation, but this time it may be for you especially water, and in huge quantities. This has two advantages: you simply wash away your craving for sweets and hearty food.

Actually works! In addition, water makes you slim. Four times a day, a large glass before eating stimulates your metabolism so that you burn 100 calories without doing anything for it.

Strategy 8: There is still room at the top of the cupboard

Out of sight, out of mind. A saying that seldom hits the mark as before, during and after Christmas. There are treats everywhere as a readily available temptation. Away with it in cupboards and chests of drawers! Best at the top, in the back, the main thing difficult to access.

US scientists have tested it: The bar of chocolate in the cupboard is less seductive than the open cookie box on the table. And the opaque package attracts less than the transparent.

Strategy 9: Bye, see you later!

Even if after eating a certain tiredness comes up: Do not get on your ear, go straight to nature. Exercise plus cold air boosts your energy expenditure immensely, fat and sugar have no chance to settle comfortably on your hips.

Apart from that, it's more fun to get your head out there than to sit around in the midst of eating.

Strategy 10: Johann helps with cleaning

The end of the year is the last opportunity, kalorienechnisch again pull all the stops, if you have a certain backlog there. Turn on the New Year's Eve concert with the Berliner Philharmoniker. This provides the right momentum to do a few more chores. Or put on a CD: for example, Johann Strauss or Mozart - earwigs at its best!

The reward: one hour of clean-up creates about 120 calories away, half an hour of cleaning at least 135 (one hour of couch-eating consumes only 55); Singing relieved by another 180 calories.

If you do not like classical music, then party is announced in the evening. When dancing, about 300 calories dissolve into pleasure, but you have to last an hour. But that will not be difficult, if you know: Tomorrow's on the Libra finally no bad awakening ...

A simple way to increase tips over the holidays! ???????? (May 2024).

Christmas, feast, christmas, holidays, increase, lose weight