Discover your "sun child": With these three tricks you strengthen your I!

Almost all of us have some problems that he has to nibble for a long time. Psychologist Stefanie Stahl says in her eponymous bestseller: "The child in you has to find a home!" ? and you can solve almost all problems. What she means by that? That we find access to the things that shaped us in our childhood? and be able to handle them better. For this we need to know that we have a shadow and a sun child in us. The Schattenkind houses all the negative beliefs that we have learned as a child. Just like all worries, fears and doubts.

Opposite is ours Sonnenkindthat carries everything beautiful from our childhood: What did we learn, what positive things experienced? What can we draw from it today?

In order to get to know and strengthen this child of the sun, Stefanie calls steel a bestseller in her new workbook ("The child in you has to find a home in three steps to a strong self") a few helpful exercises. We picked three of them once. Try them? and strengthen your self-confidence!

Visualize your sun child

First you paint only the cover of your sun child on a sheet of paper. Similar to this example, you will fill it with content step by step.

© bob-design, Trier

1. Find your positive beliefs

The prerequisite for this exercise is that the relationship with your parents was good (you can also omit one parent or replace it with another caregiver). Write down to the right and left of the sun-child's head what good qualities your mother and father had. Then feel in yourself: what positive beliefs did you take from them? Decide for no more than two sentences (examples: "I'm allowed to make mistakes" or "I will be taken care of") and write it in the belly of the sun child.

Another option is to reverse negative beliefs from your childhood to the positive. Out: "I am worthless" for example "I am valuable".

Try again to feel in your sun child. Imagine a beautiful situation and feel how the beliefs work in combination with your sun-child situation. Write down the feelings you feel, also in the belly of the sun child.

2. Find your strengths and resources

Just as important as the positive beliefs are your strengths? that is, positive traits or abilities that help you in life, such as humor or courage. Write down at least seven strengths? in the arms of the sun-child. Around the male you paint your personal resources. This means things that you draw strength from, such as good friends, work, or other activities that you enjoy. Now you feel again into your sun child. How do the strengths and resources in your body feel?

3. Find your values

What is really important to you in life? What can you use to overcome fears and negative behaviors? Write down the values ​​that are important to you about the head of the sun child, such as justice, faithfulness or charity. Then close your eyes and feel again which power and which hold these values ​​give you.

And now?

You have already come nearer to the sun child through this diagram, for you know from which sources you can draw strength. In her exercise book, Stefanie Stahl explains in much more detail how you intensify the search for your sun child. You will also find other interesting work steps and exercises. If you put these in front of the search for the sun child, can you delve even deeper into the subject? and strengthen your ICH from within.

© Kailash Verlag

Recommended reading: Stefanie Stahl: "The child in you has to find a home in three steps to the strong self - the workbook." Kailash, 12 euros.


Study With Me (with music) -- Real Time Study Session (April 2024).

Psychotrick, making happy