Development area: 10 reasons for a life in the philistine microversum

I did it. I live in the development area, I was warned, but I did not want to hear. Now I have the salad and I have to say: it actually tastes quite good. Among other things for these reasons:

1. The philistine in you may live

Guys, admit it ... you may still be so hip, sophisticated, tolerant, and what-I-be, but there's still somewhere in your hipster soul a philistine hiding, right? For my part, I do not want to deny the philistine shit in me anymore. They exist. I know that by now. She likes to clean up. She likes to be predictable. She is a bit complicated. She says phrases like, "I'm going to the hardware store for a short time" And she feels totally understood in the new development area.

2. Everything is new

Peter Fox first had to burn everything to reinvent himself, but a new development area is like a piece of white paper. The only restriction: The development plan. And the purse. And the strange taste of his own husband. And the legal requirements. And the stubbornness of the architect ... ok, let's leave that. No white sheet of paper. But new. After all.

3. Children, children, children everywhere

In new housing areas attract young families. And that's what makes the world a bit too big for Bullerbü. As is rolled, painted, climbed on Bauschuttberge and played hide and seek. Hach, as before ... so nice!

4. Like Big Brother, only with front door key and shutters

As soon as a new resident appears in the container ... er housing area, he is first welcomed with open arms and at the same time checked from top to bottom. With the low hedges comes a certain lack of privacy, which makes the whole thing wonderful to remember Big Brother. Only that you can not rauswählen. Which is a bit a pity sometimes with certain neighbors. Well. Maybe we'll just introduce it. Because ? and that's basically the next point:

5. New development areas are the bronx of philistines

As in the Bronx, any legal situation is powerless against the laws of the road in the new development area. Forget the laws you know. The new building area writes new ones. And suddenly you are fighting to extend the opening hours of the newly planned day care center and to relocate the bus stop as if it were about your life. Can you try not to join. Will not work. Because they come to the living room. With lists of your name already. And you will sign. That's the law of the street. You will not escape.

6. Never alone again

Granted, this point can also be found on the contra list, but that alone would not do justice to the fact. Because "You are never alone" is somehow also a nice message. If you need help. If your child has forgotten his key. If you run out of sugar on Sunday. All this will never worry you again.

7. People live there with tablecloths

And at some point you catch yourself rubbing yourself in the dining room department at Depot ... Do you have anything else to say? Where we are already at the next point, namely:

8. Good for the laugh muscles (if you take it with humor)

Attention, quirky, and very. Strange people seem to settle in the development area. And in the most positive sense. Probably they are not really any stranger than elsewhere, but by the proximity and (there they are again) the low hedges, you notice it. What would my life be more frustrating without the crazy people from my street (to which I am expressly counting).

9. One thing in common: neighbors (and that's a good thing)

We are not the same age, have the most varied interests and professions, earn very different between middle-class salary and villa salary, come from different places and countries, represent the most diverse opinions, in short: I have exactly one thing in common with some of my neighbors: The place of residence. And you know what? That's great. Exactly where I expected the smallest horizon, he is especially tall. Basically, a development area is an intercultural meeting place for generations. Who would have thought that?

10. Let's grow old together ...

Like many, my family lives scattered in northern, eastern, southern and western Germany. Honestly: I think it's nice to know that I'm probably going to grow old with the bang bags from the development area. That makes my little Microversum somehow native. And I am already looking forward to sitting with my neighbors under the apple tree, which we have planted together and revel in ancient times. Call it philistine romance ... you're right. But I live in the development area. I'm allowed that.

Archaeological dig sheds light on origins of Philistines (April 2024).