Dana Schweiger designs children's fashion for Aldi - and so beautiful is the collection!

In 1998 Dana Schweiger founded together with actress Ursula Karven the brand bellybutton. It all began with a care series for pregnant women and children. The next project was stylish pregnancy fashion. In 2007, the label's first children's collection finally hit the market, in which Schweiger played a major role.

Now the 50-year-old has used her knowledge in the field of children's fashion and designed a collection for girls and boys for Aldi Süd and Aldi Nord under the motto "With Love by Dana Schweiger".

In mid-June, the collection will go to the stores

From June 18th, the discounters will be selling summer jumpsuits, skirts, tunics, shorts and baby bodysuits in bright colors and organic cotton. As the mother of three daughters (Emma, ​​Luna and Lilli) and a son (Valentin), Dana Schweiger is well aware of the respective preferences of children.

Others have done it

With the collection follows the ex-wife of Til Schweiger celebrity colleagues. At the end of May, Sophia Thiel got her own fitness collection from Aldi, while model mom Heidi Klum has already published several collections at competitor Lidl.

Heute ist mein Tag (May 2024).

Dana Schweiger, ALDI, children's fashion, discounter, collection, Til Schweiger