Désirée Nick: "It is no good for anyone who has played with me badly"

Désirée Nick (62, "No is the new yes") is developing more and more into a medial jack of all trades. Her latest coup after her recent "Dancing on Ice" Intermezzo: A Crime Docuserie on the station TLC (15:01, 22:15 clock). In an interview with news agency spot on news, Nick talked in advance about "Home Sweet Home, Murder Alone," her own murder cravings and also revealed that one of her lovers even broke his neck.

What fascinates you personally about true criminal cases?

Désirée Nick: Well, they are a reflection of reality and not fantasy. They show what the partner is capable of in the home, when fortune wavers and the bubble or illusion called love bursts.

Why do people become murderers?

Nick: Revenge, jealousy, insult, mental injury, treachery, betrayal ... when nothing lasts, what you believed in and what you fought for. Passion and love are explosive elements that get out of control and cause short-circuiting. Most murders happen out of deep distress and statistically take place in the closest family circle.

Romanticism as the basis for a murder motive?

Nick: That which once got into our hearts as a romantic love, turns into a beast in the end and you have not even noticed that you sat for years with a monster at the breakfast table. All creeping processes as long as the fuses blow through.

Why do you think that normal family fathers often become beasts?

Nick: Because the common misfortune welds couples together. Many marriages are badly tied to one another, betrayal, lies, ambushes, deceit become a cement that holds the whole marriage together. They can not afford divorce, or lack the courage to go through life independently, and compromises and concessions become a breeding ground for revenge and treachery.

Often with a seemingly impeccable facade ...

Nick: The evil does not come as in the horror movie as a monster, but it grows quietly and secretly in your own home well undulating and neatly parted. The murderer slumbers under his own blanket and they serve him the perfect breakfast egg. So you raise yourself the beast and feed the serpent on your own breast.

And already one lives in an illusion.

Nick: Because this is completely unbearable and was never planned, of course everything must be done to maintain the illusion of the home. For the sake of the children and the neighbors. The life plan gets out of control and for the jump out of their own misery, it lacks courage and strength. People and relationships are changing and usually the way it was not planned.

Is there a case that does not let you go until today and you keep thinking about it?

Nick: No, because the crimes we've presented are all in their own way to horror, at least they are much more brutal and sophisticated than a "crime scene" it could ever be, as they are true and real. Not infrequently you even feel sympathy for the murderer, because you can understand his motives. However, the drama always began as a great romantic love story and went with the oath "until death divides you".

How many times have you thought of murder yourself?

Nick: Well, if I had dismembered and frozen the first man who betrayed me and betrayed me, then I would be released on life imprisonment. For some unknown reason, unfortunately, I was often lied to and mentally abused, probably because men see in me a trophy and I remind them sooner or later of their deficits.

But it was not enough for murder thoughts?

Nick: Interestingly. The nice thing is: all those with whom I have an open bill, were sooner or later ransomed by misfortune. One of my irradiated lovers stumbled on an escalator and broke his neck! I'm not surprised anymore, because everyone will payday! It is no good for anyone who has played badly to me.

Desiree Inocencio - Into His Arms (@dezinocencio) 2019 Christian Music (April 2024).

Désirée Nick, Murder, Désirée Nick, Home Sweet Home - Murder Alone, TLC, Interview