• April 20, 2024

Constantly sore throat? what to do?

If it suddenly scrapes in your throat and hurts, then usually a cold is approaching. Sore throat can also have other causes. Anyone who has a sore throat, learns here, what to do.

Mostly, sore throat is associated with respiratory infections or throat infections. Especially cold viruses provide for a burning sensation in the throat, that with difficulties swallowing connected is. These symptoms are very uncomfortable but usually harmless. If a sore throat is part of a cold or flu, they will go away within a few days.

For throat infections itself, a visit to the doctor is usually required. If the pharyngeal mucosa is inflamed, a targeted therapy is needed. There are a number of different types of inflammation that occur in the neck. This includes:

  • Tonsillitis (tonsillitis)
  • Pharyngitis (pharyngitis)
  • Laryngitis (laryngitis)

In case of epiglottitis (epiglottitis), an emergency doctor should be contacted. It can lead to shortness of breath and take on a life-threatening course. Laryngeal inflammations are most common in infants, but children, adolescents and adults may also be affected. However, the occurrence has become relatively rare, due to a vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae B.

It is important to cure the inflammation of the neck properly. An unremediated tonsillitis can lead to an almond abscess. Bacteria spread in the surrounding tissue of an almond and it forms an abscess (collection of pus). One recognizes such an abscess of severe one-sided sore throat. With proper therapy, an almond abscess heals quickly.

Some suffer from prolonged pain, others have recurrent complaints. Lasting sore throat longer than two weeks on, or return more than four times a year, one speaks of chronic sore throat.

Constantly sore throat: other diseases?

Anyone who has a sore throat should consult a doctor. Mostly chronic throat complaints are side effects of other infections or illnesses. Frequent heartburn can be interpreted as a chronic sore throat, but can also be applied to a Disease of the esophagus point out. Pregnant women also often suffer from hormonal changes with heartburn and therefore constantly sore throat.

As well as sudden calf pain, sore throat can also be a warning sign of the body. Both kinds of pain can Harbingers of a heart attack his. Sore throat as a harbinger of a heart attack is very rare, yet some patients report that they suffered from sore throat before their heart attack, without having an infection.

Constantly sore throat: the best home remedies

In most cases, sore throat is life threatening. There are a number of home remedies that help with the symptoms. Also, or especially if you have a sore throat all the time, you can use them to relieve your pain.

  • Take a lot of fluids. Best tea (sage, thyme and lime blossom)
  • Warm neck wraps. Best with crushed potatoes, as they store the heat the longest
  • Cold neck wraps are more beneficial in other cases for cooling. This is best prepared with cold cottage cheese.
  • chicken soup
  • Gargle with salt water
  • Inhale

Most home remedies are the most effective, as they not only relieve pain, but also promote blood circulation and thus contribute to recovery. You do not have to try all the home remedies at once, find the remedy that works best for you.

Even more home remedies for sore throat, home remedies for cold and home remedies for cough there with us. What you can also do to prevent a unilateral sore throat and hoarseness, you will find on our page around the common cold.

Videotipp: So you get rid of your cold in 24 hours

Sore Throat | How To Get Rid Of A Sore Throat (2019) (April 2024).

Throat pain, common cold, home remedies