Cellulite? Spreckröllchen? These women are showing us the truth!

We have to learn to look at each other lovingly

Fitness trainer Molly Galbraith has helped many women in her career to become lean and fit. But the biggest challenge for them is getting women to accept themselves and their bodies. And to see him as he should be seen: with love and compassion.

Cellulite, scars, liver spots? it's all part of us

Therefore, she launched the Love Your Body Challenge to show: cellulite, stretch marks, scars, liver spots? it belongs to us, to each of us.

In order to start her challenge, she inspired fellow fitness professionals to share unadorned photos of herself. Their goal: 1. That we see that we are not alone with our alleged blemishes - and that even super-fat women are in fact not "perfect". 2. That we ask ourselves: What is supposed to be a perfect body? his?

3. That photos, light, camera settings and styling make a big difference.

4. That sporty, slim women have the same self-doubt as everyone else.

Molly made the start and shows honest photos of herself:

© Molly Galbraith

To the photos she writes: "I have so many 'blemishes', from my stomach, when I'm sitting over my butt full of cellulite, to stretch marks and sloppy skin." These pictures were taken right after each other! "

The photos below show the difference between good light and favorable angle (left) and unfavorable light and unfavorable angle (right).

© Molly Galbraith

Ketogene Ernährung in den Wechseljahren? (April 2024).

Cellulite, stretch marks, bacon rolls