Breathing techniques against the stress

Breathing techniques: meditating for inner peace

Go to the tailor or lotus position. The back is straight, the cervical spine stretched, the shoulders down, the eyelids open so far that a small beam of light can invade. To join hands in the lap; Plunge palm into each other, with folded thumbs pointing upwards. Now inhale and exhale evenly and concentrate on the breath. Try to let thoughts come and go. Return to breathing again and again. It's best to increase meditation time each week: take 20 deep breaths, then 40, and so on.

Alternative: Breathe with the Lotus. Imagine breathing with the belly button as gently and gently as a lotus flower moving in the wind. When inhaling, the flower opens, and when it exhales it closes again.

Breathing techniques: breathing like a yogi

An exercise in three parts. Belly breathing: put hands on the stomach. Breathe deep into the stomach against the palms. Flank breathing: Place hands on the sides of the ribs and consciously breathe against the hands. Pulmonary Tip Respiration: Anchor arms and place fingertips on the clavicles. Concentrate from bottom to top to breathe into the lungs. Now connect the three parts: inhale deeply through the nose. You can feel the belly and chest expand and the clavicles lift. Exhale slowly and feel the air escaping from the lungs, thorax and finally the abdomen. To feel the flow of air, place one hand on the chest and the other on the stomach.

Breathing techniques: Recharge your batteries

In the Chinese view, this exercise can transport the Qi life energy into all body cells: stand up straight and breathe deeply! Spread your arms as if you wanted to embrace the world. Inhale and slowly move your arms upwards in a soft flowing semicircle. Imagine how fresh energy flows down the top of your body.

Exhale and move your hands - with your fingertips to each other - slowly downwards, past the face, over the chest to the navel, the energy center. Imagine how your body gets energized layer by layer. Stop for a moment. Open arms again and repeat the exercise 15 times.

Breathing techniques: humming like a bee

With this exercise, you can turn off completely peu à peu. To hide visual stimuli, close your eyes. Deep in and slowly exhale through the nose again. Place your hands on your closed eyelids and cover your ears with your thumbs. Feel the breath. In the throat produce a high buzzing sound that vibrates to the palate - three to seven breaths long. Silence and enjoy the silence.

Breathing techniques: clear your head

Oxygen for the brain: stand straight, legs are hip-width apart. Spread arms laterally, palms facing forward. Then inhale and swing your arms upwards, put your head back and look up at the sky.

Ankle your elbows, lower your arms and exhale. Straighten your head. 15 times.

Breathing techniques: feel the silence

Close your eyes, put your hands together as you pray, and tilt your forehead slightly forward.

Step 1: Deep Breathing (Technique and Follow Along) (May 2024).

Relaxation technique, stress, hectic, breathing, yoga, relaxation, breathing techniques