Bonez MC & RAF Camora: Police conduct raid to Munich concert

The Bavarian police made on Friday evening serious: More than 100 officials combed through the tour buses and the backstage area of ​​the rapper RAF Camora (34) and Bonez MC (33) in the Munich Olympiahalle. This was confirmed by RAF Camora himself on his Instagram account. To a picture of the sold-out location he wrote: "13,000 in Munich! Wahnsinn, you have disassembled! (An hour later 150 police officers have split the buses and backstage)".

A police spokesman confirmed the raid of the "Bild" newspaper. Accordingly, it was a planned control of the Department of drug-related offenses acted. The police were assisted by the traffic police and a specialized Einsatzhundschaft. Whether drugs were found, is not officially confirmed. According to the "picture", however, marijuana and cocaine were seized and numerous lawsuits had been filed. Even to provisional arrests it came.

CAPITAL HILL OCS UNDER SIEGE: Activists want OCS probed for failing to act in harassment case (May 2024).

RAF, Munich, raid, police, Bonez MC & RAF Camora, RAF Camora, Bonez MC, Munich