Biohacking: 13 tips for self-optimization!

Biohacking: What's that?

Biohacking is about the systematic and individual self-optimization, The aim is to trim body and mind with appropriate methods, so-called hacks, more efficiently.

The origin of biohacking lies in the American elite sports, There were based on physical readings, such as blood or body fat, subject complexes such Diet, sleep or exercise optimized.

You can simply see biohacking as a kind of self-coaching, where it's about using sensible measures to control your human organism so that it can more sustainable and better is working.

Biohacking: 4 practical tips for your diet

  1. Health check: With a blood test at the family doctor you can get to know you and your body better. Among other things, you can analyze values ​​such as cholesterol, vitamin D and B12 as well as potassium / magnesium.
  2. Interval fasting: If you concentrate on a six to eight-hour window when taking your diet, your body will be able to dispose of toxins and regenerate the rest of the time. If you do not want to switch completely to interval fasting, try it on selected days.
  3. Healthy fats and vegetables: Mainly focus on vegetables in rich colors and fruits, as well as high-quality meat and fish. We'll show you how to make a nutrition plan. Above all, try to live mostly free of sugar and high-quality, natural fats (MCT oil, preferably pure C8). Also Omega 3, z. Krill oil, for example, is important to give your brain enough daily thinking power.
  4. Hydrogenate cells: The human being consists mostly of water and our organs need daily water to work trouble-free. Fitness author Wolfgang Unsöld therefore recommends starting the day with a special glass of water. If you use the water with a quarter teaspoon Himalayan salt (important for kidneys) and a tablespoon lime juice (increases the overnight dropped pH) mix, your body can absorb this mixture optimally, because it is more similar to our blood than simple water.

Biohacking: 5 practical tips for mental freshness

  1. Digital Detox: Make it a habit to live a day or specific timeslot without your smartphone. The extreme use of digital devices makes us tired and depressed. Instead, read books or go outside.
  2. Right choice of words: Replaced the word "but? "and? as well as "have to" through "allowed?, As a result, you are much more positive in your actions and do not think so much in restrictions, but more in possibilities.
  3. Light requirements: Especially in the evening, blue light from electronic devices is anything but pleasant for our eyes. With appropriate programs and glasses, the blue light can be filtered, so you can relax much more relaxed.
  4. Sleep Optimization: Adequate, deep sleep is a prerequisite for mental freshness during the day. This includes darkening the room well and possibly one Sleep mask to use. Also, you should turn off your Wi-Fi and banish electronic devices from the bedroom. The supplementation of Sleep hormone melatonin may be helpful depending on the quality of sleep and consultation with your doctor. Incidentally, blue light also reduces melatonin production.
  5. To take a cold shower: Cold showers help you fall asleep and rest. It also boosts fat burning and counteracts inflammation. Slowly approach with short sections and gradually expand them.

Biohacking: 4 tips for physical fitness

  1. Move: If you sit all day, your metabolism slows down and the blood sugar level is pushed up. Pay attention, every hourget up and to move something. In addition, you should also go outside regularly. Fresh air and sun give us energy and are important for our cells.
  2. Release tension: With a roll (Blackroll) you can improve your blood circulation and loosen knots in the musculature. This helps you to get through the day without pain or in the evening before falling asleep. AcroYoga is also a great way to train with a partner to let go while stretching the body.
  3. Meditation: Meditating daily for a few minutes will help you both in your thinking and in your body as it strengthens your immune system. Just a few minutes a day are enough to recharge your batteries and switch off. How to learn meditation is explained here.
  4. workout: In fitness we want to train as effectively as possible in a short time. These are, for example, Tabata or High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

Tips for a break in the monastery can be found here. You will also get tips for a Vipassana meditation. A good breathing technique you learn with the Wim Hof ​​method.

If you want to discuss practical life hacks with others, check out our ChroniquesDuVasteMonde community.

Videotipp: This is how walking meditation works

Dave Asprey’s Latest Biohacking Secrets (April 2024).
