Biofeedback: Knowing the body

The effect: proved

This healing process creates the squaring of the circle. It is effective, scientifically recognized and has no side effects. To be too good to be true? Nope. "Behind biofeedback is the realization that we humans can influence our physical functions at will if we perceive them," explains the Munich-based psychologist Lothar Niepoth.

In principle, everyone knows that whoever realizes that he breathes too fast, can usually regulate this without any problems. Even with tension that succeeds many. But what about sweats, asthma, tinnitus or hypertension? That's the only way to do anything - but not because we do not know what's going on in the body.

But this shows us in the biofeedback a small device: sensors that are attached to the hands, forehead, neck, chest or back, measure skin resistance, blood pressure, respiratory and heart rate, body temperature or muscle tension. The signals are converted and graphically or acoustically displayed on a screen or screen.

The learning effect: big

This works like this for back pain: electrodes measure their tension along the back muscles. The patient sees the result as a curve on a screen. Then the therapist puts him under stress, for example, by having him solve difficult arithmetical problems. The muscles react to the stress, and the shape of the curve changes, the spikes become steeper.

Now it's about releasing the tension again. As? Trying out: "Everyone has to find and practice his own personal strategy," says Niepoth. A migraine patient, for example, imagines an icy mountain stream flowing through her temporal arteries, managing her attacks, and tense muscles can help her mentally retreat to a dream beach with gently sloshing waves. In any case, one learns to better perceive the signals and reactions of one's own body - and no longer be powerless to be at the mercy of them.

The method: gives freedom

Because you immediately see success on the monitor, you learn the procedure pretty quickly. And at some point you do not need all the trappings anymore, but you can easily use the method at home or on the way.

That speaks against it

For impatient or people with little time biofeedback is not suitable, a little stamina you have to bring. Unfortunately, the method does not work for everyone: some people do not learn it, so far it is unclear why. The health insurance companies usually do not pay for the treatment (about 100 euros per session). In the case of pain patients, the treatment can be included in a behavior therapy, then there is money from the cash register.

Biofeedback helps High blood pressure, headache, sleep disorders, fear of flying, asthma, anxiety and tinnitus.

Duration of therapy Depending on the condition, eight to twenty treatments are required.

Literaturtipp Winfried Rief, Niels Birbaumer (ed.): "Biofeedback Therapy: Basics, Indications and Practical Procedures". Schattauer, 49.95 euros.

Internet German Society for Biofeedback: German Migraine and Headache Society:

Lori Puškar, DC Demonstrates Body Biofeedback (May 2024).

Conventional medicine, healing method, alternative medicine, biofeedback