Beat a girl? Not even with a flower!

The seeds of violence are laid early, as studies show. Those who experience violence in their own childhood are more likely to become violent as adults themselves. It is all the more important to teach children early that beating is not the answer. And certainly not the supposedly "weaker" sex.

A nice statement against violence has succeeded the filmmakers from the Italian website For a video, they invited five boys and introduced them to a girl in front of the camera, Martina. Martina is tall, has braces and long blond hair. "What do you like about Martina?" the moderator asks the boys. The children grin shyly. "Your eyes," says one. "Her hair," the other. When they are then asked to stroke Martina, they are even more embarrassed, but then like to perform the affectionate gesture. Martina smiles.

Then suddenly the tone changes. "And now hit her!" Orders the voice from the off. The boys look irritated, hesitate. Then one after another says "no." Do not hit girls, one says. "I do not want to hurt her," explains the smallest. "I am against violence!", Says one. And the nicest sentence: "Girls should not be beaten, not even with a flower."

Of course, we do not know what would have happened if Martina had been a Martin. But we hope that the boys would have responded just as charmingly. From them will certainly times wonderful men.

LOVE RAP BEAT - Romantic Love Rap Beat - Dead Roses (Prod. INS Beats) (May 2024).
