Ask your questions in the community!

Why not just write ...? Unlike many other creative heart projects such as crafting, making music, knitting or painting, writing still has something mystical about it. Writing is supposedly only for writers who understand what - but not for "normal" people who have no experience in the field.

This is nonsense, of course, as shown by the large crowd of people who enjoy reading and writing stories, experiences, or simply their thoughts - no matter if a book comes out at the end, or "just" personal satisfaction. This joy of writing has also been the center of the Scribling Forum in the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Community for many years, where users exchange tips and reading samples.

For all interested authors, we offer a special service: An expert advice "creative writing" with writing coach Diana Hillebrand. From the 17th of November to the 1st of December she will answer your questions in the forums.

About the person: Diana Hillebrand


Writing coach and author Diana Hillebrand has been organizing "creative writing" workshops in her "WortWerkstatt" workshop since 2006, where she offers help for aspiring writers in her projects. In addition, she moderates every month a Literaturtreff funded by the Kulturreferat München. As a writer, she has published several books and articles. In 2013, two of her children's books were nominated for a Youth Literature Award.

Diana Hillebrand is a member of the Association of German Writers (VS), the Montségur Authors' Association, the 42er authors, DeLiA and in the Friedrich-Bödecker-Kreis.

Further information about Diana Hillebrand at

What helps with a writer's block? How do I deal with criticism? What are the next steps when I want to bring out a novel?

You can ask Ms. Hillebrand your questions in the community until December 1st.

Community Q&A with Story - DOG VLOG - Ask your questions on Twitter using #AskTTT (April 2024).

Writing, Community, Consulting, Creative Writing