Anyone who wants to live their dream must take these 5 hurdles

Each of us has dreams. For some they remain nothing but fantasies? for others, they are an incentive to change their lives. Whether it is the decision for a new job or a remote country to emigrate to? To realize his dream is not always easy, but mostly possible!

What you need for this: stamina. Because these obstacles sooner or later get in the way. Then it's time to get started and jump over it. And if you get stuck: get up, judge the crown, keep running.

Hurdle 1: The other people

Are you crazy? How can you? That never works! Such sayings can often be heard if you want to take a bold or unusual path. With headwind through friends and family you always have to expect. In this time, it is necessary to filter out useful criticism for yourself and otherwise let the motto "in there, out there" prevail.

Hurdle 2: The own pig

Does not work the same, as you had imagined? Then it can be hard to keep going and catching up again and again. It is important not to be discouraged by minor setbacks, because they are simply part of it. Only those who succeed in kicking their own pig's dog in the A ..., will achieve its goal.

Hurdle 3: the impatience

Of course you want to realize your dream as fast as possible? but that does not work in many cases. The art is to be happy about small progress? and never lose sight of the big goals. Good things actually take a lot of time. But in the end you will be compensated for everything.

Hurdle 4: resource problems

No money, no time, no power? For many projects, one eventually gets to the point where one wonders: How should I hunt this now? Fortunately, there are people who stand by one side. Financially, mentally or energetically. The important thing is to actively seek help.

Hurdle 5: The disappointment

You have almost reached your goal? but somehow it still does not feel right? Being flexible is the keyword! Do not doubt the whole thing right away. Because sometimes you just have to do a little fine tuning - about a little thing change? and everything is right. And: If necessary, the realization that the dream was not a dream is also an important step in the direction of happiness.

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STRUGGLE makes you STRONGER - Motivational Video (April 2024).

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