Above the clouds: 8 beauty tips for flying

Beauty tips for flying: Clever packing

Since the size of liquid containers when flying is limited and thus also the cosmetics, you should prepare your home already well on the journey. If the flight is short, you do not need much. But especially on a long-haul flight it is advisable to have a few beauty products in travel size: moisturizer, hand cream, lip care, deodorant and maybe even toothpaste and toothbrush. Each product must not contain more than 100 ml and all must be packed in a transparent bag.

If the Liebings product is not in travel sizes, you can also transfer this into a small container. These travel containers are now available to buy in every drugstore. Also handy: fill a contact lens container with your favorite cream.

Beauty tips for flying: creams, creams, creams

In the plane, the air is drier than in the Sahara: At 10,000 meters altitude, the humidity is only about 10 percent after two hours. Face and body should therefore be creamed well before departure. And especially on long flights may also like to be refilled - depending on the skin type with a rich or moisturizing cream. Particularly sensitive are the lips and the eye area. For this one has best a lip balm and an eye cream in the plane ready. Really good are also refreshing facial sprays that donate moisture at the touch of a button.

Beauty tips for flying: Good for eyes and nose

The air of the air conditioner can cause the eyes to redden as they become too dry. This is where eye drops from the pharmacy help. Also, the nasal mucous membranes dry quickly in the plane and are then an easy target for bacteria and viruses. A nose ointment or rich cream prevents it from drying out. Best to apply before departure.

Beauty tips for flying: Good breath

Anyone who sleeps on the plane and then wakes up knows the feeling of the occupied tongue. Anything but beautiful! In this case, you should always have chewing gum in your hand luggage, in the best case, those with dental care properties. Of course, another option is going to the on-board toilet to brush your teeth for a short time. If this is too time-consuming, you can also use disposable tooth cleaners made of microfibers: they are simply slipped over the index finger and then rubbed over the teeth.

Beauty tips for flying: Freshness for the hair

Before a long-distance flight, it is best to wash your hair shortly before - so you stay fresh for as long as possible. If you are prone to greasy hair, you can refresh the preparation in between or before landing with dry shampoo. Briefly spray and brush.

Those who are more prone to electrified hair and the plane ceiling has come too close, can spread a little hand cream in the palms and thus tame the flying hair. Also good: brush over the hair with a damp cloth.

Beauty tips for flying: Against swollen legs

When seated, the veins generally swell. On the one hand, this is due to the bent position, on the other hand because of the fact that the muscle pump of the calf muscles is on strike and the blood flows more slowly to the heart. In the plane there is negative pressure, which causes the blood to thicken. It can clump up faster and increase the risk of thrombosis. To prevent, you should always go around, abstain from alcohol, drink plenty of water, do not take sleeping and sedatives and wear compression stockings.

Small exercise in between: stretch your legs so that your feet lift off the ground. Then alternately rocking back and forth as if stepping on a pedal.

Beauty tips for flying: Eating against jetlag

Food can influence the jetlag: foods with a high carbohydrate content such as potatoes or cereals tend to make you tired, but protein-containing foods such as meat tend to wake you up. Drink as much water as possible and if possible avoid coffee, alcohol and sugary sodas.

Beauty tips for flying: East or West?

When traveling in a westerly direction, time shifts to the "back". For example, flying to New York is six hours earlier than, for example, Berlin. Therefore, it is advisable to go to bed later than usual a few days before departure, so that you can get used to the new rhythm faster. For flights to the east, on the other hand, you should go to bed a little earlier, as it is later than home there.

Working above the clouds: Cabin Crew Member at Germania (May 2024).

Fly, Jetlag, drugstore, Sahara, beauty tips fly, flight, jetlag, flight, travel, travel size