A woman, two skin colors: make-up shitstorm around this photo

Black or White? Unbelievable, what make-up can do!

A make-up artist from Los Angeles posted the following photo under the Instagram account 'Paintdatface':

A post shared by Southern Laced (@southernlacedofficial) on May 30, 2017 at 8:02 pm

The amazing thing: the picture shows ONE woman!

Tasteless or cool?

The idea behind it: The make-up artist wanted to document the transformation of a woman by means of make-up that plunges into another culture. 'Paintdatface' was bored with the usual before-and-after pictures circulating on the net? and he also shows numerous on his account. He wrote a detailed commentary on his unusual post, distancing himself from racism:

"THIS IS NOT ABOUT A RACE CHANGE." This is about one woman acknowledging, embracing, and celebrating the beauty of another woman's culture. " ("It's not about changing a race. It's about a woman who recognizes, embraces and celebrates the beauty and culture of another woman.")

What followed was still a huge shitstorm. Lack of understanding for this action, allegations of racist ulterior motives, hate comments. Meanwhile, the make-up artist has removed the image from his Instagram account. Too bad, because the transformation is visually an absolute eye-catcher and shows how to completely change a woman with make-up. Without discriminatory ulterior motives.

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Instagram, skin color, Los Angeles