7 reasons why he does not apply

You have been together for several years and it is clear that you want to stay together forever. Nevertheless, the marriage proposal is coming soon. This is not a drama at first, because many couples are happy even without a marriage certificate. However, most women want nothing more than to be asked by Him. Once wearing a white dress, gathering all friends and family members together for a glittering party and swearing their eternal loyalty to God - oh yes, that has something. If the request does not come then the disappointment is great. The fact that the partner hesitates could be due to these things.

1. He does not respect the concept of marriage

Are his parents divorced? Then that could be the sticking point. For to experience first-hand how a marriage fails, can destroy the belief in eternal love ever. Can you hardly blame him, right?

2. He does not care about marriage

For him, not the marriage certificate, but the feelings counts. And they fit. Why should he want to marry? It only costs money and time. He finds totally superfluous.

3. He is scared

Marriage is a great venture for him. And he does not really know what to expect. Will anything change in the relationship? Does that mean more responsibility, work, problems? He does not care about the whole thing.

4. He is not ready yet

He loves you, sure. But he just does not feel ripe enough for marriage. This feeling is completely independent of the age or relationship duration. At worst, his attitude never changes ...

5. He always misses the right time

He wanted to ask more often, but somehow it never happened. Or he had it fixed and then something has happened again. The good: The forecasts are good here, that the application still comes.

6. He does not know if you say yes

He has his pants full. Not because he is afraid of marriage, but because of your answer. You may have never suggested to him that you would like to marry him, and he's afraid to get a basket.

7. He does not want to commit himself

Well, in that case it is hopeless. Maybe you are not the right woman for him. Maybe he is also so blatantly freedom-loving that a marriage is out of the question. In that case you should ask yourself: Is he the man I want as a partner?

7 Reasons You Failed the Interview and Didn't Get the Job (April 2024).

Marriage proposal, fear