4 tricks with which sweaters no longer statically charge

In the cold season, we like to cuddle up in a cozy sweater. Stupid only if it has charged static again! So what do you do so that your clothes discharge again and do not stick to your hair and skin? We have four effective expert tips:

1. Take a wire hanger

Do you have a metal hanger hanging in your closet? You usually get that when you get your clothes out of the cleaners. Strip this just before putting on the inside of the pullover. The metal dissipates the electricity and the sweater is no longer charged.

2. Use a little cream

You take off your cap and your hair is already up? Then take a swab of hand cream or day care and stroke a touch of it over your hair. Already, the hair should not be charged and are still beautifully maintained. Unruly hairs can also be directly prevented.

If you want to wear a silk top: Get ready to get dressed and then carefully throw the top over. Et voila: It's guaranteed not to stick to you anymore. If you want to wear a pair of tights under a silk dress, then you can carefully put the tights on with a light layer of cream.

3. Anti-static spray

Of course, there are also special sprays to prevent the static charge. So-called anti-static sprays should simply be sprayed on the clothing and solve the problem. For example, Amazon offers such sprays. What does not work out, by the way: We advise against wetting sweaters or silk tops with hairspray. Because the spray sticks to the top and leaves an ugly film. In addition, it does not really help to unload the top statically.

4. The trick with the safety pin

This trick is subtle and yet very effective: make a safety pin in the garment. The best in the inside, so that it does not attract anyone's attention. The metal dissipates the electricity built up in the clothing and thus prevents sticking on the skin. Voilà!

You are still looking for the perfect sweater? Here are the most beautiful oversized models of the season:

How to Get Rid Of Static Cling - Avoiding Fashion Disasters - Glamrs (May 2024).

Sweater, metal, cleaning