3 tricks on how to win an unreachable man for yourself

Every woman has ever fallen in love with an unreachable man. The guy who is unbelievably great, but does not say yes to everything. They take flight as soon as it gets serious. They are afraid to get involved. When such a thing happens to a woman, her friends automatically scream: "Forget the guy." That's right, but you can give it one last chance.

1. Be independent

You're probably going to rack your brains over why your crush does not choose you. You think about what he thinks and how to interpret his behavior. So summarized: you focus on him. Whether you say it openly or not, men feel it. And those who struggle to decide know that you have high expectations that they should fulfill.

As paradoxical as it is, focusing on yourself again, you're taking the pressure out of it. Jump into a job project, into a hobby or plan traveling with your friends. Show yourself and him that you are putting yourself first. Then he has to make an effort to get back on the prio list with you.

2. Say no to him

He answers and you jump. Even if he did not write four weeks ago. Just think what it would be like if things were the other way around. Would he go insane too, because you let him fidget? Just try it. If he suggests something, you say nice but determined. If he answers then twenty more times, he is interested in you.

3. Think about why you like this man

If you have tried point one and two and nothing has changed, you should ask the general question: is it worth it? And: Am I not worth more? Every woman deserves to be loved and should not settle for less. And a man who gives too little love causes only pain in the long run.

Often there is a hidden attachment anxiety behind the longing for an unattainable man. This means that if you fall in love with men you can not have, you may not want a relationship yourself. Write down who you fell in love with in the past few years. If more than one unreachable man appears on the balance sheet, a therapy would be a chance to figure out why you carry that pattern in you.

10 Tips to Stop Liking Your Crush (April 2024).

Relationships, singles, unreachable men